PHP code example of piggly / php-hooks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download piggly/php-hooks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


piggly / php-hooks example snippets

// Register in tag calculate
$tag = 'calculate';

// Register in tag calculate ready to recieve two args
$tag = 'calculate?2';

// Register in tag calculate with priority 1
$tag = 'calculate::1';

// Register in tag calculate ready to recieve two args and priority 1
$tag = 'calculate?2::1';

// Register in tag calculate with name sum
$tag = 'calculate.sum';

// Register in tag calculate with name sum ready to recieve two args
$tag = 'calculate.pow?2';

// Register in tag calculate with name sum and priority 1
$tag = 'calculate.sum::1';

// Register in tag calculate with name sum, ready to recieve two args and priority 1
$tag = 'calculate.pow?2::1';

function fsum ( $number ) { return $number+15; }
function fsub ( $number ) { return $number - 10; }
function fmul ( $number ) { return $number * 3; }
function fdiv ( $number ) { return $number / 2; }
function fpow ( $number, $exp ) { return is_numeric($exp) ? pow($number, $exp) : $number; }

Hook::filter('calculate.sum', 'fsum');
Hook::filter('calculate.sub', 'fsub');
Hook::filter('calculate.mul', 'fmul');
Hook::filter('calculate.div', 'fdiv');

// -> Apply => Expects (((10+15)-10)*3)/2 = 22.5
$number = Hook::apply('calculate', 10);
echo sprintf("Number: %s\n", $number);

function line () { echo "I am line 02\n"; }
function message ( $message ) { echo sprintf("Message: %s\n", $message); }

Hook::action('sentences.line', 'line');
Hook::action('sentences.message', 'message');

Hook::run('sentences', 'Peace and Love');

class Controller
    // ...

    public function home()
        Hook::action('head', $this, 'homeAction');
        // ...

    public function services()
        Hook::action('head', $this, 'servicesAction');
        // ...

    public function about()
        Hook::action('head', $this, 'aboutAction');
        // ...

    public function homeAction ()
    { /** Add css file... **/ }

    public function servicesAction ()
    { /** Add css file... **/ }

    public function aboutAction ()
    { /** Add css file... **/ }

    // ...

class Controller
    // ...

    public function home()
        Hook::dispatch('head', 'importCss', 'home.css');
        // ...

    public function services()
        Hook::dispatch('head', 'importCss', 'services.css');
        // ...

    public function about()
        Hook::dispatch('head', 'importCss', 'about.css');
        // ...

    // ...

function name ( $message ) { echo sprintf("Your name: %s\n", $message); }
function prog ( $message ) { echo sprintf("Progamming Language: %s\n", $message); }

Hook::dispatch('', 'name', 'Alpha');
Hook::dispatch('sentences.prog::1', 'prog', 'JS');

Hook::run('sentences', 'Peace and Love');