PHP code example of phuria / pipolino

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phuria/pipolino library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phuria / pipolino example snippets

$pipolino = (new Pipolino())
    ->addStage(function(callable $next, $payload) {
        return $next($payload * 2); // 20 * 2
    ->addStage(function (callable $next, $payload) {
        return $next($payload + 1); // 40 + 1
    ->addStage(function (callable $next, $payload) {
        return $next($payload / 10); // 41 / 10

echo $pipolino->process(20); //output: 4.1

class CacheStage
    private $cache;
    public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache)
        $this->cache = $cache;
    public function __invoke(callable $next, $result, array $criteria)
        $hash = sha1(serialize($criteria));
        if ($this->cache->has($hash)) {
            return $this->cache->get($hash);
        $result = $next($result, $criteria);
        $this->cache->set($hash, $result, 3600);
        return $result;

$pipolino = (new Pipolino)
    ->addStage(function (callable $next, $result, array $options) {
        if (null === $result) {
            return $options['onNull'];
        return $next($result, $context);
    ->addStage(function (callable $next, $result, array $options) {
        $formatted = $next(number_format($result, 2).' '.$options['currency'])
        // Can be replaced with: "return $forrmated;",
        // however, should call $next().
        return $next($formatted, $options); 

$options = ['onNull' => '-', 'currency' => 'USD'];

echo $pipolino->process(null, $options); // output: -
echo $pipolino->process(10, $options); // output: 10.00 USD

$loadingProcess = (new Pipolino())
    ->add(new CheckCache())
    ->add(new LoadFromDB());
$showProcces = (new Pipolino())
    ->add(new JsonFormat())
    ->add(new NullResult());

$pipolino = (new Pipolino)
    ->addStage(function (callable $net, $i) {
        if (is_string($i)) {
            $i = (int) $i;
        return $next($i);
    ->addStage(function (callable $next, $i) {
        if (is_int($i)) {
            return $i % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
        return $next($i);
    ->withDefaultStage(function () {
        throw new \Exception('Unable to guess type.');
echo $pipolino->process(2); // output: even
echo $pipolino->process('4'); // output: even
echo $pipolino->proccess(2.50); // throws exception