PHP code example of phucledien / php-zalo-sdk
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phucledien/php-zalo-sdk library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
phucledien / php-zalo-sdk example snippets
$helper = $zalo -> getRedirectLoginHelper();
$callBackUrl = "";
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl($callBackUrl); // This is login url
$callBackUrl = "";
$oauthCode = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : "THIS NOT CALLBACK PAGE !!!"; // get oauthoauth code from url params
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken($callBackUrl); // get access token
if ($accessToken != null) {
$expires = $accessToken->getExpiresAt(); // get expires time
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = [];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_ME, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => 10, 'fields' => "id, name"];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_FRIENDS, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => 10, 'fields' => "id, name"];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_INVITABLE_FRIENDS, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_text_here', 'link' => 'put_your_link_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_POST_FEED, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_message_here', 'to' => 'put_user_id_receive_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_APP_REQUESTS, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_message_here', 'to' => 'put_user_id_receive_here', 'link' => 'put_your_link_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_MESSAGE, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$templateData = array(
'template_key' => "template_value"
$data = array(
'phone' => 84912345678,
'templateid' => "put_template_id_here",
'templatedata' => $templateData,
'callbackdata' => "put_your_call_back_link_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_FOLLOW_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$params = [];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_GET_LIST_TAG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'tagName' => "put_tag_name_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REMOVE_TAG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'uid' => 0,
'tagName' => "put_tag_name_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REMOVE_USER_FROM_TAG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'uid' => 0,
'tagName' => "put_tag_name_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_TAG_USER, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // user id
'message' => 'put_your_text_message_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_TEXT_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // user id
'imageid' => 'put_your_uploaded_image_id',
'message' => 'put_your_text_message_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_PHOTO_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$firstLink = array('link' => 'put_url_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$secondLink = array('link' => 'put_url_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // uid
'links' => [$firstLink, $secondLink],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_LINK_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$firstAction = array('action' => '',
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'description' => 'put_description_here',
'data' => 'reply_message_when_user_click',
'href' => 'put_url_here',
'thumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$popupForSecondAction = array('title' => 'put_title_here',
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'ok' => 'title_of_ok_button',
'cancel' => 'title_of_cancel_button'
$secondAction = array('action' => '',
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'description' => 'put_description_here',
'data' => 'reply_message_when_user_click',
'href' => 'put_url_here',
'thumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here',
'popup' => $popupForSecondAction);
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // user id
'actionlist' => [$firstAction, $secondAction],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_ACTION_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // put_user_id_here
'imageid' => "put_image_id_here",
'width' => 200,
'height' => 200
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_GIF_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['uid' => 1785179753369910605]; // put user id here
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_GET_PROFILE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$filePath = 'path_to_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_UPLOAD_PHOTO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$filePath = 'path_to_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_UPLOAD_GIF, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['msgid' => 'put_message_id_here'];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_GET_MSG_STATUS, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$templateData = array(
'username' => 'put_your_template_data_here', // request Offical Account Admin to get template data
'invitename' => 'put_your_template_data_here'
$data = array(
'uid' => 1785179753369910605, // user id
'templateid' => 'put_your_template_id_here', // request Offical Account Admin to get template id
'templatedata' => $templateData
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_CUSTOMER_CARE_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$templateData = array(
'username' => 'put_your_template_data_here', // request Offical Account Admin to get template data
'invitename' => 'put_your_template_data_here'
$data = array(
'phone' => 84919018791, // phone number or user id
'templateid' => 'put_your_template_id_here', // request Offical Account Admin to get template id
'templatedata' => $templateData
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_CUSTOMER_CARE_MSG_BY_PHONE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'message' => "put_message_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REPLY_TEXT_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'imageid' => "put_image_id_here",
'message' => "put_message_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REPLY_PHOTO_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$firstLink = array('link' => 'put_link_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumnail_link_here');
$secondLink = array('link' => '',
'linktitle' => 'Documents for zalo developers',
'linkdes' => 'Zalo for developer comunity',
'linkthumb' => '');
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'links' => [$firstLink, $secondLink],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $this->zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REPLY_LINK_MSG, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'qrdata' => "put_data_here",
'size' => 1000, // put_size_here
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_CREATE_QR_CODE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$helper = $zalo -> getRedirectLoginHelper();
$callBackUrl = "";
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrlByPage($callBackUrl); // This is login url
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'uid' => 0 // put user id here
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_GET_PROFILE, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$params = [];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_GET_OA, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // put user id here
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_CONVERSATION, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_RECENT_CHAT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // put user id here
'message' => "put_message_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_SEND_TEXT_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // put user id here
'message' => "put_message_here",
'imageid' => "put_image_id_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_SEND_PHOTO_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$firstLink = array('link' => 'put_url_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$secondLink = array('link' => 'put_url_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // uid
'links' => [$firstLink, $secondLink],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_SEND_LINK_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$firstAction = array('action' => '',
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'description' => 'put_description_here',
'data' => 'reply_message_when_user_click',
'href' => 'put_url_here',
'thumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here');
$popupForSecondAction = array('title' => 'put_title_here',
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'ok' => 'title_of_ok_button',
'cancel' => 'title_of_cancel_button'
$secondAction = array('action' => '',
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'description' => 'put_description_here',
'data' => 'reply_message_when_user_click',
'href' => 'put_url_here',
'thumb' => 'put_thumbnail_url_here',
'popup' => $popupForSecondAction
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // user id
'actionlist' => [$firstAction, $secondAction],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_SEND_ACTION_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'uid' => 0, // put user id here
'imageid' => "put_image_id_here",
'width' => 0, // put image width
'height' => 0 // put image height
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_SEND_GIF_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$filePath = 'path_to_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_UPLOAD_PHOTO, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$filePath = 'path_to_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_UPLOAD_GIF, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'message' => "put_message_id_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_REPLY_TEXT_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'imageid' => "put_image_id_here",
'message' => "put_message_id_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_REPLY_PHOTO_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$firstLink = array('link' => 'put_link_here',
'linktitle' => 'put_title_here',
'linkdes' => 'put_description_here',
'linkthumb' => 'put_thumbnail_link_here'
$secondLink = array('link' => '',
'linktitle' => 'Documents for zalo developers',
'linkdes' => 'Zalo for developer comunity',
'linkthumb' => ''
$data = array(
'msgid' => "put_message_id_here",
'links' => [$firstLink, $secondLink],
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ONBEHALF_REPLY_LINK_MSG, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$variation = array(
'variationid' => "put_variation_id_here",
'default' => 1, // 1 (enable), 2 (disable)
'price' => 0.5,
'name' => "put_variation_name_here",
'status' => 2 // 2: Enable, 3: Disable
$data = array(
'variation' => $variation
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPDATE_VARIATION, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$variationOne = array(
'default' => 1, // 1 (enable), 2 (disable)
'price' => 4,
'name' => "put_variation_name_here",
'attributes' => ["put_attribute_id_x1_here", "put_attribute_id_x2_here", "put_attribute_id_x3_here", "put_attribute_id_x4_here"]
$variationTwo = array(
'default' => 2,
'price' => 5,
'name' => "put_variation_name_here",
'attributes' => ["put_attribute_id_y1_here", "put_attribute_id_y2_here", "put_attribute_id_y3_here", "put_attribute_id_y4_here"]
$data = array(
'productid' => "put_product_id_here",
'variations' => [$variationOne, $variationTwo]
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ADD_VARIATION, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'attributeids' => ["put_attribute_id_1_here", "put_attribute_id_2_here"]
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_ATTRIBUTE_INFO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_ATTRIBUTE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'attributeid' => "put_attribute_id_here",
'name' => "put_attribute_name_here"
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'name' => "put_attribute_name_here",
'type' => "put_attribute_type_id_here" // get from end point -> ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_CREATE_ATTRIBUTE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$cate = array('cateid' => 'put_your_cate_id_here');
$cates[] = $cate;
$photo = array('id' => 'put_your_image_id_here');
$photos[] = $photo;
$data = array(
'cateids' => $cates,
'name' => 'put_your_product_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'code' => 'put_your_code_number_here',
'price' => 15000,
'photos' => $photos,
'display' => 'show', // show | hide
'payment' => 2 // 2 - enable | 3 - disable
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_CREATE_PRODUCT, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$cate = array('cateid' => 'put_your_cate_id_here');
$cates = [$cate];
$photo = array('id' => 'put_your_image_id_here');
$photos = [$photo];
$productUpdate = array(
'cateids' => $cates,
'name' => 'put_your_product_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'code' => 'put_your_code_number_here',
'price' => 15000,
'photos' => $photos,
'display' => 'show', // show | hide
'payment' => 2 // 2 - enable | 3 - disable
$data = array(
'productid' => 'put_your_product_id_here',
'product' => $productUpdate
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPDATE_PRODUCT, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['productid' => 'put_product_id_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_REMOVE_PRODUCT, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'productid' => 'put_your_product_id_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_PRODUCT, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'offset' => '0',
'count' => '10'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_PRODUCT, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$filePath = 'path_to_your_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_PHOTO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'name' => 'put_your_category_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'photo' => 'put_your_photo_id_here',
'status' => 0 // 0 - show | 1 - hide
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_CREATE_CATEGORY, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$categoryUpdate = array(
'name' => 'put_your_category_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'photo' => 'put_your_photo_id_here',
'status' => 1 // 0 - show | 1 - hide
$data = array(
'categoryid' => 'put_your_category_id_here',
'category' => $categoryUpdate
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPDATE_CATEGORY, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'offset' => '0',
'count' => '10'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_CATEGORY, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$filePath = 'path_to_your_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPLOAD_CATEGORY_PHOTO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'orderid' => 'put_your_order_id_here',
'status' => 2,
'reason' => 'put_your_reason_here',
'cancelReason' => 'put_your_reason_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_UPDATE_ORDER, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10,
'filter' => 0
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_SLICE_ORDER, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['orderid' => 'put_your_order_id_here'];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_GET_ORDER, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$helper = $zalo -> getRedirectLoginHelper();
$callBackUrl = "";
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrlByPage($callBackUrl); // This is login url
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$cate = array('cateid' => 'put_your_cate_id_here');
$cates = [$cate];
$photo = array('id' => 'put_your_image_id_here');
$photos = [$photo];
$data = array(
'cateids' => $cates,
'name' => 'put_your_product_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'code' => 'put_your_code_number_here',
'price' => 15000,
'photos' => $photos,
'display' => 'show', // show | hide
'payment' => 2 // 2 - enable | 3 - disable
$product = array('product' => $data);
$params = ['data' => $product];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_CREATE_PRODUCT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$cate = array('cateid' => 'put_your_cate_id_here');
$cates = [$cate];
$photo = array('id' => 'put_your_image_id_here');
$photos = [$photo];
$productUpdate = array(
'cateids' => $cates,
'name' => 'put_your_product_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'code' => 'put_your_code_number_here',
'price' => 15000,
'photos' => $photos,
'display' => 'show', // show | hide
'payment' => 2 // 2 - enable | 3 - disable
$data = array(
'productid' => 'put_your_product_id_here',
'product' => $productUpdate
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_UPDATE_PRODUCT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'productid' => 'put_your_product_id_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_REMOVE_PRODUCT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'productid' => 'put_your_product_id_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_GET_PRODUCT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'offset' => '0',
'count' => '10'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_GET_SLICE_PRODUCT, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$filePath = 'path_to_your_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_UPLOAD_PRODUCT_PHOTO, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'name' => 'put_your_category_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'photo' => 'put_your_photo_id_here',
'status' => 0 // 0 - show | 1 - hide
$category = array('category' => $data);
$params = ['data' => $category];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_CREATE_CATEGORY, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$categoryUpdate = array(
'name' => 'put_your_category_name_here',
'desc' => 'put_your_description_here',
'photo' => 'put_your_photo_id_here',
'status' => 1 // 0 - show | 1 - hide
$data = array(
'categoryid' => 'put_your_category_id_here',
'category' => $categoryUpdate
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_UPDATE_CATEGORY, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'offset' => '0',
'count' => '10'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_GET_SLICE_CATEGORY, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$filePath = 'path_to_your_image';
$params = ['file' => new ZaloFile($filePath)];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_UPLOAD_CATEGORY_PHOTO, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'orderid' => 'put_your_order_id_here',
'status' => 2,
'reason' => 'put_your_reason_here',
'cancelReason' => 'put_your_reason_here'
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_UPDATE_ORDER, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10,
'filter' => 0
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_GET_SLICE_ORDER, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$accessToken = "put_access_token_here";
$data = ['orderid' => 'put_your_order_id_here'];
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_STORE_ONBEHALF_GET_ORDER, $params, $accessToken);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$cover = array(
'coverType' => 1, // 0 (photo) | 1 (video)
'coverView' => 1, // 1 (horizontal), 2 (vertical), 3 (square)
'videoId' => 'put_your_video_id_here',
'status' => 'show'
$actionLink = array(
'type' => 2, // 0 (link to web), 1 (link to image), 2 (link to video), 3 (link to audio)
'label' => 'put_label_here',
'url' => ''
$paragraphText = array(
'type' => 0,
'content' => 'put_content_here'
$paragraphImage = array(
'type' => 1,
'url' => '',
'caption' => 'put_caption_here',
'width' => 500,
'height' => 300
$paragraphVideo = array(
'type' => 3,
'url' => '',
'category' => 'youtube',
'caption' => 'put_caption_here'
$relatedArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_media_id_here' // related article
$media = array(
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'author' => 'put_author_here',
'cover' => $cover,
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'actionLink' => $actionLink,
'body' => [$paragraphText, $paragraphImage, $paragraphVideo],
'relatedMedias' => [$relatedArticle],
'status' => 'show'
$params = ['media' => $media];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_CREATE_MEDIA, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['token' => 'put_token_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_GET_MEDIA_ID, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$cover = array(
'coverType' => 1, // 0 (photo) | 1 (video)
'coverView' => 1, // 1 (horizontal), 2 (vertical), 3 (square)
'videoId' => 'put_your_video_id_here',
'status' => 'show'
$actionLink = array(
'type' => 2, // 0 (link to web), 1 (link to image), 2 (link to video), 3 (link to audio)
'label' => 'put_label_here',
'url' => ''
$paragraphText = array(
'type' => 0,
'content' => 'put_content_here'
$paragraphImage = array(
'type' => 1,
'url' => '',
'caption' => 'put_caption_here',
'width' => 500,
'height' => 300
$paragraphVideo = array(
'type' => 3,
'url' => '',
'category' => 'youtube',
'caption' => 'put_caption_here'
$relatedArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_media_id_here' // related article
$media = array(
'title' => 'put_title_here',
'author' => 'put_author_here',
'cover' => $cover,
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'actionLink' => $actionLink,
'body' => [$paragraphText, $paragraphImage, $paragraphVideo],
'relatedMedias' => [$relatedArticle],
'status' => 'show'
$data = array(
'mediaid' => 'put_media_id_here',
'media' => $media
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_UPDATE_MEDIA, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$params = ['mediaid' => 'put_media_id_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_REMOVE_MEDIA, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_GET_SLICE_MEDIA, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$target = array(
'gender' => '1',
'ages' => '1,2,3'
$firstArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_article_id_here'
$secondArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_article_id_here'
$data = array(
'mediaIds' => [$firstArticle, $secondArticle],
'target' => $target
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_BROADCAST_MEDIA, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result
$filePath = "path_to_video";
// Step 1 - Lấy link upload
$video = new ZaloFile($filePath);
$data = array(
'videoName' => $video->getFileName(),
'videoSize' => $video->getSize(),
$params = ['data' => $data];
$responseStepOne = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_UPLOAD_VIDEO, $params);
$resultStepOne = $responseStepOne->getDecodedBody(); // result
// Step 2 - Upload file và lấy token
// get params from step 1
$uploadLink = $resultStepOne['data']['uploadLink'];
$timestamp = $resultStepOne['data']['time'];
$sig = $resultStepOne['data']['sig'];
$appId = $resultStepOne['data']['appId'];
$params = array(
'appId' => $appId,
'file' => $video,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'sig' => $sig
$responseStepTwo = $zalo->uploadVideo($uploadLink, $params);
$resultStepTwo = $responseStepTwo->getDecodedBody(); // result
// Step 3 - Lấy id của video
$token = $resultStepTwo['data']['token'];
$data = array(
'token' => $token, // from step 2
'videoName' => $video->getFileName(),
'videoSize' => $video->getSize(),
'time' => $timestamp, // from step 1
'sig' => $sig // from step 1
$params = ['data' => $data];
$responseStepThree = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_GET_VIDEO_ID, $params);
$resultStepThree = $responseStepThree->getDecodedBody();
// step 4 - Kiểm tra trạng thái của video
$videoId = $resultStepThree['data']['videoId'];
$data = array(
'videoId' => $videoId // get from step 3
$params = ['data' => $data];
$responseStepFour = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_GET_VIDEO_STATUS, $params);
$resultStepFour = $responseStepFour->getDecodedBody(); // result
$data = array(
'offset' => 0,
'count' => 10
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_GET_SLICE_VIDEO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$relatedArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_related_article_id_here'
$media = array(
'title' => 'update_video_article',
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'avatar' => 'put_avatar_here',
'videoId' => 'put_video_id_here',
'relatedMedias' => [$relatedArticle],
'status' => 'show'
$data = array(
'mediaid' => 'put_media_id_here',
'media' => $media
$params = ['data' => $data];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_UPDATE_VIDEO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();
$relatedArticle = array(
'id' => 'put_related_article_id_here'
$media = array(
'title' => 'create_video_article',
'desc' => 'put_description_here',
'avatar' => 'put_avatar_here',
'videoId' => 'put_video_id_here',
'relatedMedias' => [$relatedArticle],
'status' => 'show'
$params = ['media' => $media];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_ARTICLE_CREATE_VIDEO, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();