1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phtamas/yii2-imageprocessor library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
phtamas / yii2-imageprocessor example snippets
'imageProcessor' => [
'class' => '\phtamas\yii2\imageprocessor\Component',
// Default for all JPEG images
'jpegQuality' => 90,
// Default for all PNG images
'pngCompression' => 7,
// Create named image categories with their own configuration.
// You can refer them by name in application code.
'define' => [
'userAvatar' => [
// Add transformations. They will be applied in the order they were defined.
'process' => [
// Fix images with embedded orientation metadata
// Preapre image to crop by resizing it to cover a 160*160 square
['resize', 'width' => 160, 'height' => 160, 'scaleTo' => 'cover'],
// Crop it
['crop', 'x' => 'center - 80', 'y' => 'center - 80', 'width' => 160, 'height' => 160],
'galleryImage' => [
// Override default to save some disk space and bandwidth
'jpegQuality' => 80,
'process' => [
// Resize proportionally to fit a 600*600 square but only if too large
['resize', 'width' => 600, 'height' => 600, 'scaleTo' => 'fit', 'only' => 'down'],
// Mark your property
['watermark', 'path' => '@path/to/wmark.png', 'align' => 'top-left', 'margin' => 20],
// Process uploaded image and save as a JPEG file
$path = '@image/user/avatar/' . uniqid() . '.jpg';
Yii::$app->imageProcessor->save(['file' => $uploadedFile->tempName], $path, 'userAvatar');
// Process image (stored as BLOB in the DB) and send it to the HTTP client
Yii::$app->imageProcessor->send(['data' => 'binary string'], 'jpg', 'galleryImage');
// Ad-hoc processing is possible, too
Yii::$app->imageProcessor->saveAndSend(['file' => '@images/image.jpg'], $path, 'jpg', [
'process' => [['resize', 'width' => 300]], // Resize proportionally to 300 px width
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