PHP code example of phputil / router

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phputil/router library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phputil / router example snippets

    // Sets the 'rootURL' to where the index.php is located.
    $app->listen( [ 'rootURL' => dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ] );

use \phputil\router\Router;

$app = new Router();
$app->get( '/', function( $req, $res ) {
    $res->send( 'Hello World!' );
} );

use \phputil\router\Router;

$app = new Router();
$app->get( '/', function( $req, $res ) {
        $res->send( 'Hi, Anonymous' );
    } )
    ->get( '/:name', function( $req, $res ) {
        $res->send( 'Hi, ' . $req->param( 'name' ) );
    } )
    ->get( '/json/:name', function( $req, $res ) {
        $res->json( [ 'hi' => $req->param( 'name' ) ] );
    } );

use \phputil\router\Router;

$middlewareIsAdmin = function( $req, $res, &$stop ) {
    $isAdmin = isset( $_SESSION[ 'admin' ] ) && $_SESSION[ 'admin' ];
    if ( $isAdmin ) {
        return; // Access allowed
    $stop = true;
    $res->status( 403 )->send( 'Admin only' ); // Forbidden

$app = new Router();
$app->get( '/admin', $middlewareIsAdmin, function( $req, $res ) {
    $res->send( 'Hello, admin' );
} );

function ( HttpRequest $req, HttpResponse $res, bool &$stop = false )

function get( string $route, callable ...$callbacks )

function ( HttpRequest $req, HttpResponse $res )

use \phputil\router\HttpRequest;
use \phputil\router\HttpResponse;

    get( '/hello', function( HttpRequest $req, HttpResponse $res ) {
        $res->send( 'Hello!' );
    } )
    get( '/world',
        // Middleware
        function( HttpRequest $req, HttpResponse $res, bool &$stop ) {
            if ( $req->header( 'Origin' ) === 'http://localhost' ) {
                $res->status( 200 )->send( 'World!' );
                $stop = true;
        // Route handler
        function( HttpRequest $req, HttpResponse $res ) {
            $res->status( 400 )->send( 'Error: not in http://localhost :(' );

    route( '/employees' )
        ->get( '/emails', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /employees/emails  */ } )
        ->get( '/phone-numbers', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /employees/phone-numbers */ } )
        ->post( '/children', function( $req, $res ) { /* POST /employees/children */ } )
        ->end() // Finishes the group and back to "/"
    ->get( '/customers', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /customers */ } )

    route( '/products' )
        ->get( '/colors', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /products/colors  */ } )
        ->route( '/suppliers' )
            ->get( '/emails', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /products/suppliers/emails */ } )
            ->end() // Finishes "/suppliers" and back to "/products"
        ->get( '/sizes', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /products/sizes  */ } )
        ->end() // Finishes "/products" and back to "/"
    ->get( '/sales', function( $req, $res ) { /* GET /sales  */ } )

    ->use( $myMiddlewareFunction )
    ->get( '/hello', $sayHelloFunction ); // Executes after the middleware

function listen( array|RouterOptions $options = [] ): void

// Sets the 'rootURL' to where the index.php is located.
$app->listen( [ 'rootURL' => dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ] );

use phputil\router\RouterOptions;
// Sets the 'rootURL' to where the index.php is located.
$app->listen( ( new RouterOptions() )->withRootURL( dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ) );

withRootURL( string $url ): RouterOptions

withReq( HttpRequest $req ): RouterOptions

withRes( HttpResponse $res ): RouterOptions

interface HttpRequest {

    /** Returns the current URL or `null` on failure. */
    function url(): ?string;

    /** Returns the current URL without any queries. E.g. `/foo?bar=10` -> `/foo` */
    function urlWithoutQueries(): ?string;

    /** Returns the URL queries. E.g. `/foo?bar=10&zoo=A` -> `['bar'=>'10', 'zoo'=>'A']` */
    function queries(): array;

    /** Returns all HTTP request headers */
    function headers(): array;

    /** Returns the header with the given case-insensitive name, or `null` if not found. */
    function header( $name ): ?string;

    /** Returns the raw body or `null` on failure. */
    function rawBody(): ?string;

     * Returns the converted content, depending on the `Content-Type` header:
     *   - For `x-www-form-urlencoded`, it returns an `array`;
     *   - For `application/json`, it returns an `object` or an `array` (depending on the content).
     *   - Otherwise it returns a `string`, or `null` on failure.
    function body();

    /** Returns the HTTP request method or `null` on failure. */
    function method(): ?string;

    /** Returns all cookies as an array (map). */
    function cookies(): array;

     * Returns the cookie value with the given case-insensitive key or `null` if not found.
     * @param string $key Cookie key.
     * @return string|null
    function cookie( $key ): ?string;

     * Returns a URL query or route parameter with the given name (key),
     * or `null` when the given name is not found.
     * @param string $name Parameter name.
     * @return string
    function param( $name ): ?string;

     * Returns all the URL queries and route parameters as an array (map).
     * @return array
    function params(): array;

     * Returns extra, user-configurable data.
     * @return ExtraData
    function extra(): ExtraData;


class ExtraData {

     * Sets a value to the given key. Chainable method.
     * @param string|int $key
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return ExtraData
    function set( $key, $value ): ExtraData;

     * Returns the value for the given key, or null otherwise.
     * @param string|int $key
     * @return mixed
    function get( $key );

     * Returns the keys and values as an array.
    function toArray(): array;


$response->status( 201 )->send( 'Saved successfully.' );

interface HttpResponse {

     * Sets the HTTP status code.
     * @param int $code HTTP status code.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function status( int $code ): HttpResponse;

     * Indicates if the current HTTP status code is equal to the given one.
     * @param int $code HTTP status code.
     * @return bool
    function isStatus( int $code ): bool;

     * Sets an HTTP header.
     * @param string $header HTTP header.
     * @param string|int|float|bool|array $value Header value.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function header( string $header, $value ): HttpResponse;

     * Indicates if the response has the given HTTP header.
     * @param string $header HTTP header.
     * @return boolean
    function hasHeader( string $header ): bool;

     * Returns the response header, if it exists. Returns `null` otherwise.
     * @param string $header HTTP header.
     * @return string|null
    function getHeader( string $header ): ?string;

     * Removes a header.
     * @param string $header Header to remove.
    function removeHeader( string $header ): void;

     * Sets a redirect response.
     * @param int $statusCode HTTP status code.
     * @param string|null $path Path.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function redirect( int $statusCode, $path = null ): HttpResponse;

     * Sets a cookie.
     * @param string $name Name (key)
     * @param string $value Value.
     * @param array $options Optional map with the following options:
     *  - `domain`: string
     *  - `path`: string
     *  - `httpOnly`: true|1
     *  - `secure`: true|1
     *  - `maxAge`: int
     *  - `expires`: string
     *  - `sameSite`: true|1
     * @return HttpResponse
     * @see for options' meanings.
    function cookie( string $name, string $value, array $options = [] ): HttpResponse;

     * Clears a cookie with the given name (key).
     * @param string $name Name (key)
     * @param array $options Optional map with the same options as #cookie()'s.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function clearCookie( string $name, array $options = [] ): HttpResponse;

     * Sets the `Content-Type` header with the given MIME type.
     * @param string $mime MIME type.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function type( string $mime ): HttpResponse;

     * Sends the given HTTP response body.
     * @param mixed $body Response body.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function send( $body ): HttpResponse;

     * Sends a file based on its path.
     * @param string $path File path
     * @param array $options Optional map with the options:
     *  - `mime`: string - MIME type, such as `application/pdf`.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function sendFile( string $path, array $options = [] ): HttpResponse;

     * Send the given content as JSON, also setting the needed headers.
     * @param mixed $body Content to send as JSON.
     * @return HttpResponse
    function json( $body ): HttpResponse;

     * Ends the HTTP response.
     * @param bool $clear If it is desired to clear the headers and the body after sending them. It defaults to `true`.
    function end( bool $clear = true ): HttpResponse;

use \phputil\router\FakeHttpRequest;
use \phputil\router\Router;
$app = new Router();

// Set a expectation
$app->get( '/foo', function( $req, $res ) { $res->send( 'Called!' ); } );

// Mock the request
$fakeReq = new FakeHttpRequest();
$fakeReq->withURL( '/foo' )->withMethod( 'GET' );

// Use the mock request
$app->listen( [ 'req' => $fakeReq ] ); // It will use the fake request to call "/foo"