PHP code example of phpsagas / orchestrator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpsagas/orchestrator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpsagas / orchestrator example snippets

class BuyTourSaga
    // ...
    public function getSagaDefinition(): SagaDefinition
        $steps = $this
            ->localCommand($buyTourCommand) // <-- compensatable transaction
            ->withCompensation($rejectTourCommand) // <-- compensating transaction
            ->remoteCommand($obtainVisaCommand) // <-- pivot transaction
            ->remoteCommand($confirmHotelBookingCommand) // <-- retryable transaction

        return $steps->build();

    public function onFinished(string $sagaId, SagaDataInterface $data): void
        // notify request initiator about successful outcome

    public function getSagaType(): string
        return 'buy_tour_saga';
    private function step(): StepBuilder
        return new StepBuilder(new SagaDefinitionBuilder());

class BuyTourCommand implements LocalCommandInterface
    private $tourService;

    // inject your project service
    public function __construct(TourService $tourService)
        $this->tourService = $tourService;

     * @param SagaDataInterface|BuyTourSagaData $sagaData
    public function execute(SagaDataInterface $sagaData): void
        // buyTour logic incapsulated behind project service, not here
        $tour = $this->tourService->buyTour(
        // set created tour id to saga data for next commands usage

    public function getSagaDataType(): string
        return BuyTourSagaData::class;

class BookTicketsCommand implements RemoteCommandInterface
    public function getCommandType(): string
        return 'book_tickets_command';

    public function getSagaDataClassName(): string
        return BuyTourSagaData::class;

     * Returns data using by another application services.
     * @param SagaDataInterface|BuyTourSagaData $sagaData
     * @return CommandDataInterface
    public function getCommandData(SagaDataInterface $sagaData): CommandDataInterface
        return new BookTicketsData(

class BookHotelReplyHandler implements ReplyHandlerInterface
     * @param ReplyMessage                      $message
     * @param SagaDataInterface|BuyTourSagaData $sagaData
    public function handle(ReplyMessage $message, SagaDataInterface $sagaData): void
        if ($message->isSuccess()) {
            $payload = json_decode($message->getPayload(), true);