PHP code example of phpsa / filament-headless-cms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpsa/filament-headless-cms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpsa / filament-headless-cms example snippets

public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
        return $panel

namespace App\Filament\PageTemplates;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Section;
use Filament\Forms\Components\Component;
use Phpsa\FilamentHeadlessCms\Contracts\PageTemplate;
use Phpsa\FilamentHeadlessCms\Filament\Fields\Editor;

class CustomPageTemplate extends PageTemplate

    public static function title(): string
        return 'Custom Page';

     * @return array<int|string, Component>
    public static function schema(): array
        return [


                ], flush: false),

//change default pagination
public static bool|array|Closure $paginate = true;
//should the items be sortable?
public static bool $sortable = false;

protected static int $sortOrder = 0; // set the order in nav
protected static bool $hasSeo = true; //no SEO, switch to false, why though?
protected static bool $publishDates = true; // if you do not need to publish on a date and it should just be... :-)

abstract public static function title(): string; //The value in here should be unique, it is the identifier for your template
abstract public static function schema(): array; // the actual form main body area, you can do whatever here, sections, tabs, wizards, builders etc.

public static function sidebarSchema(): array; //want to add another sidebar above the SEO?

//add area before and after the title area
public static function beforePrimaryColumnSchema(): array;
public static function afterPrimaryColumnSchema(): array;

// add area before and after the fields in the main sidebar
public static function beforeSecondaryColumnSchema(): array;
public static function afterSecondaryColumnSchema(): array;

// need to manipulate the data for your api response?
public static function toApiResponse(array $data): array
    if (filled($data['featured_image'])) {
        $data['featured_image'] = Storage::disk(config('filament.default_filesystem_disk'))->url($data['featured_image']);

    return $data;

//Update this if using laravel scout to setup your searchable information
public function toSearchableArray(FilamentPage $record): array
    return $this->apiTransform($record);

->setResource(ResourceFile::class) // in case you want to customize it, you can extend the PageResource::class
->setModel(Model::class) // woudl recomend extending FhcmsContent - must implement FilamentPage
        'group'       => 'Content',
        'icon'        => 'heroicon-o-document',
        'sort'        => null,
        'parent'      => null,
        'icon_active' => 'heroicon-s-document',
->setSiteUrl('https://xxxx') //--> defaults to config('app.frontend_url') ?? config('app.url')
->setTemplates(array $templates, bool $flush = false) // add or completely replace templates
->setUploadFormField(FileUpload::class) // if using default templates or built in upload class -- make sure to use this file uploader
->setEditorFormField(Editor::class) // which rich / markdown form field editor to use - if using default templates
->setApiMiddleware(['api']) // defaults to ['api']
->setApiPrefix('api') // defaults to api