PHP code example of phprtc / watcher

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phprtc/watcher library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phprtc / watcher example snippets

use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;

ath(__DIR__ . '/views')
    ->onChange(function (EventInfo $eventInfo) {
        echo $eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath() . PHP_EOL;

use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;

y(function (EventInfo $eventInfo) {
        echo date('H:i:s') . " - {$eventInfo->getName()} {$eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath()}\n";

use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;

re(__DIR__ . '/test1/t/*')   // Ignore files in "/test1/t/"
        __DIR__ . '/test1/t/.*(\.php$)',   // Ignore files that end with "php" in "/test1/t/"
        __DIR__ . '/test1/t/.*(\.js)',   // Ignore files that end with "js" in "/test1/t/"
    ->onChange(function (EventInfo $eventInfo) {
        echo date('H:i:s') . " - {$eventInfo->getName()} {$eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath()}\n";

    use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
    use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;
        ->onChange(function (EventInfo $eventInfo) {
            echo $eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath() . PHP_EOL;

    use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
    use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;
        ->onChange(function (EventInfo $eventInfo) {
            echo $eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath() . PHP_EOL;

use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;
use RTC\Watcher\Watching\EventInfo;
use Swoole\Timer;

entInfo $eventInfo) {
        echo date('H:i:s') . ": CREATED  - {$eventInfo->getWatchedItem()->getFullPath()}\n";

Timer::after(1000, fn() => $watcher->stop());   // Stop watching after 1 second


touch(__DIR__ . '/auto-created.txt');
unlink(__DIR__ . '/auto-created.txt');

use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\Http\Response;
use Swoole\Http\Server;
use RTC\Watcher\Watcher;

$response) {
    $response->end('Hello world');

$server->on('start', function (Server $server) {
    echo "Server started at\n";
        ->addPath(__DIR__ . '/app')
        ->addPath(__DIR__ . '/views')
        ->onChange(fn() => $server->reload())
