PHP code example of phppkg / http-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phppkg/http-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phppkg / http-client example snippets

use PhpPkg\Http\Client\Client;

// use factory
$client = Client::factory([
    'driver' => 'curl', // stream, fsock, fopen, file, co, co2
    // ... 更多选项
    'baseUrl' =>  ''

$options = [
  'baseUrl' =>  ''
  // ...
$client = CurlClient::create($options);
$client = FileClient::create($options);
$client = FSockClient::create($options);
$client = FOpenClient::create($options);
$client = CoClient::create($options);

use PhpPkg\Http\Client\Client;

$client = Client::factory([]);


$post = ['name' => 'john'];
$client->post('/users/1', $post);

// add ajax header
$client->byAjax()->post('/users/1', $post);

// add json content type
$client->json('/users/1', json_encode($post));
// or
$client->byJson()->post('/users/1', json_encode($post));

$statusCode = $client->getStatusCode();
$headers = $client->getResponseHeaders();

// get body data
$data = $client->getResponseBody();
$array = $client->getArrayData();

$data = $client->getDataObject();
$data->getInt('createTime', 0);

$user = new User();

$client = CurlClient::create([
  // ...
