PHP code example of phpixie / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpixie/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpixie / http example snippets

//Without the PHPixie Framework
$slice = new \PHPixie\Slice();
$http = new \PHPixie\HTTP($slice);

//inside the framework
$http = $frameworkBuilder->components()->http();

//Build a Request from globals ($_GET etc)
$request = $http->request();

//Or you can pass a PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface to wrap
$request = $http->request($serverRequest);

$query = $request->query();

$query = $request->data();

//Additional attributes,
//e.g. parameters from routing
$query = $request->attributes();


//With default value
$query->get('pixie', 'Trixie');

//Throw an exception if field is not set


//Or like this
$userData = $query->slice('user');

//In this case $userData
//is an instance of \PHPixie\Slice\Data
//totally unrelated to HTTP library
//so you can pass it around the system
//without coupling to HTTP

//Accessing $_SERVER

//Get a header line
//If multiple values are present
//for the same header, they will be
//concatenated with ','

//Get header values as array

//Handling uploads
$uploadedFile = $request->uploads()->get('file');

//HTTP method
$uri = $request->method();

//Accessing Uri
$uri = $request->uri();
$path = $uri->getPath();

//Underlying ServerRequest
$serverRequest = $request->serverRequest();

$responses = $http->responses();

//The simplest response
$response = $responses->string('hello world');

//JSON with headers that forbid caching
$responses->json(array('name' => 'Pixie'));


//File streaming

//Download contetnts as a file
//useful for CSV, TXT types
$responses->download('name.txt', 'text/plain', 'Trixie');

//File download
$responses->downloadFile('pixie.png', 'image.png', 'images/fairy.png');

//Modifying the status code
$response->setStatus('404', 'Not Found');

//OR you can omit the phrase to use
//the default one for the provided code

//Modifying headers
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');

//Transforming into PSR-7 Response

//Outputting a response

//Generate context for a particular request
$context = $http->context($request);

//And then it's pretty straightforward
$cookies = $context->cookies();
$session = $context->session();

$cookies->set('lang', 'en');

//Remember to pass the context
//when outputting the Response
//or generation a PSR-7 response
$http->output($response, $context);

$httpContext = $frameworkBuilder->context()->httpContext();
$cookies = $httpContext->cookies();
$session = $httpContext->session();

//Get the PSR-7 factory
$psr7 = $http->messages();
$serverRequest = $psr7->sapiServerRequest();