PHP code example of phphd / pipeline-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phphd/pipeline-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phphd / pipeline-bundle example snippets

    PhPhD\PipelineBundle\PhdPipelineBundle::class => ['all' => true],

final readonly class CreateVacationRequestCommandDto
    public function __construct(
        public int $userId,
        public int $vacationTypeId,
        public string $startDate,
        public string $endDate,
    ) {

#[AsMessageHandler(bus: 'command.bus')]
final readonly class ConvertVacationRequestCommandHandler
    public function __invoke(CreateVacationRequestCommandDto $dto): CreateVacationRequestCommand
        $employee = $this->employeeRepository->find($dto->userId);
        $vacationType = $this->vacationTypeRepository->find($dto->vacationTypeId);

        $vacationPeriod = VacationPeriod::fromStringDates($dto->startDate, $dto->endDate);

        return new CreateVacationRequestCommand($employee, $vacationType, $vacationPeriod);

use PhPhD\Pipeline\NextForwarded;

final readonly class CreateVacationRequestCommand
    public function __construct(
        public Employee $employee,
        public VacationType $vacationType,
        public VacationPeriod $vacationPeriod,
    ) {

#[AsMessageHandler(bus: 'command.bus')]
final readonly class CreateVacationRequestHandler
    public function __invoke(CreateVacationRequestCommand $command)
        // The core business logic that deals with domain entities rather than primitives...

#[AsMessageHandler(bus: 'command.bus')]
final readonly class ConvertVacationRequestCommandHandler
    /** @return NextForwarded<CreateVacationRequestCommand> */
    public function __invoke(CreateVacationRequestCommandDto $dto): NextForwarded
        return new NextForwarded($this->createCommandFromDto($dto));