PHP code example of phpdevcommunity / php-filesystem

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpdevcommunity/php-filesystem library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpdevcommunity / php-filesystem example snippets

$base64Data = '...';
$tempFile = TempFile::fromBase64($base64Data);

$binaryData = '...';
$tempFile = TempFile::fromBinary($binaryData);

$resource = fopen('php://memory', 'w+');
fwrite($resource, 'test');
fseek($resource, 0);
$tempFile = TempFile::fromResource($resource);

$filePath = '/path/to/your/file.txt';
$fileInfo = new FileInfo($filePath);

    $filename = $fileInfo->getFilename();
    echo "Filename: $filename"; // Outputs: file.txt

    $realPath = $fileInfo->getRealPath();
    echo "Real Path: $realPath"; // Outputs: /absolute/path/to/file.txt

    $size = $fileInfo->getSize();
    echo "File Size: $size bytes";

    $mimeType = $fileInfo->getMimeType();
    echo "MIME Type: $mimeType"; // Example: text/plain

    $extension = $fileInfo->getExtension();
    echo "File Extension: $extension"; // Example: txt

    $base64 = $fileInfo->toBase64();
    echo "Base64 Encoded: $base64";

    $dataUrl = $fileInfo->toDataUrl();
    echo "Data URL: $dataUrl";

    $binaryData = $fileInfo->toBinary();
    echo "Binary Data: $binaryData";

$metadata = $fileInfo->getMetadata();

/* Example Output:
    'path' => '/absolute/path/to/file.txt',
    'size' => 1024,  // size in bytes
    'mime_type' => 'text/plain',
    'extension' => 'txt',
    'basename' => 'file.txt',
    'last_modified' => '2024-09-18 12:34:56',
    'creation_date' => '2024-09-17 10:00:00'

$fileInfo1 = new FileInfo('/path/to/file1.txt');
$fileInfo2 = new FileInfo('/path/to/file2.txt');

if ($fileInfo1->compareWith($fileInfo2)) {
    echo "Files are identical";
} else {
    echo "Files are different";

if ($fileInfo->delete()) {
    echo "File deleted successfully";
} else {
    echo "Failed to delete the file";

$fileObject = $fileInfo->openFile('r');
while (!$fileObject->eof()) {
    echo $fileObject->fgets();

try {
    $fileInfo = new FileInfo('/path/to/invalid/file.txt');
} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
    echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();

$sourceDir = '/path/to/source';
$targetDir = '/path/to/target';
$synchronizer = new FileSynchronizer($sourceDir, $targetDir, function(array $info) {
    echo sprintf("Action: %s, Source: %s, Target: %s\n", $info['action'], $info['source'], $info['target']);

$synchronizer->sync(true); // Recursive sync
$synchronizer->sync(false); // Non-recursive sync

$log = function(array $info) {
    echo sprintf(
        "Action: %s\nSource: %s\nTarget: %s\n",

$synchronizer = new FileSynchronizer($sourceDir, $targetDir, $log);

$directoryPath = '/path/to/directory';
$explorer = new FileExplorer($directoryPath);

// Non-recursive listing
$files = $explorer->listAll(false);

// Recursive listing (including subdirectories)
$files = $explorer->listAll(true);

$files = $explorer->listAll(true);
foreach ($files as $file) {
    echo $file['name'] . ($file['is_directory'] ? ' (Directory)' : ' (File)') . "\n";

$pattern = '*.txt'; // Example pattern to search for .txt files
$files = $explorer->searchByPattern($pattern, true); // Recursive search

$pattern = '*.html';
$htmlFiles = $explorer->searchByPattern($pattern, true);

foreach ($htmlFiles as $file) {
    echo $file['path'] . " - Last modified: " . $file['modified_time'] . "\n";

// Search for all .txt files (non-recursive)
$txtFiles = $explorer->searchByExtension('txt', false);

// Search for all .html files recursively
$htmlFiles = $explorer->searchByExtension('html', true);

// Initialize FileExplorer with the desired directory
$explorer = new FileExplorer('/path/to/directory');

// List all files and directories (non-recursive)
$allFiles = $explorer->listAll(false);
foreach ($allFiles as $file) {
    echo $file['name'] . ($file['is_directory'] ? ' (Directory)' : ' (File)') . "\n";

// Search for all .txt files (recursive)
$txtFiles = $explorer->searchByExtension('txt', true);
foreach ($txtFiles as $file) {
    echo "Found .txt file: " . $file['path'] . "\n";

// Search for files that match a pattern (recursive)
$pattern = '*.log'; // Look for all .log files
$logFiles = $explorer->searchByPattern($pattern, true);
foreach ($logFiles as $file) {
    echo "Found log file: " . $file['path'] . " - Size: " . $file['size'] . " bytes\n";

$fileInfo = new FileInfo('/path/to/large/file.txt');
$splitter = new FileSplitter($fileInfo);

$splitter = new FileSplitter($fileInfo, '/path/to/output/directory');

$files = $splitter->splitMb(1); // Split into 1 MB chunks

$splitFiles = $splitter->splitMb(5); // Split into 5 MB chunks

foreach ($splitFiles as $filePart) {
    echo "Created part: " . $filePart->getRealPath() . "\n";

$files = $splitter->splitKb(512); // Split into 512 KB chunks

$splitFiles = $splitter->splitKb(200); // Split into 200 KB chunks

foreach ($splitFiles as $filePart) {
    echo "Created part: " . $filePart->getRealPath() . "\n";

$chunkSizeInBytes = 1048576; // 1 MB in bytes
$files = $splitter->split($chunkSizeInBytes);

// Initialize FileInfo and FileSplitter
$fileInfo = new FileInfo('/path/to/large/file.txt');
$splitter = new FileSplitter($fileInfo);

// Split the file into 1 MB chunks
$splitFiles = $splitter->splitMb(1);

echo "File has been split into " . count($splitFiles) . " parts.\n";