PHP code example of phpbook / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpbook/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpbook / http example snippets

*  Declare Configurations
* ******************************************/

//APP name
//Default null

//APP version
//Default null

//Contact e-mail.
//Default null
\PHPBook\Http\Configuration\Meta::setEmail('[email protected]');

//Contact phone.
//Default null
\PHPBook\Http\Configuration\Meta::setPhone('99 9999-9999');

//Prefix router to access the docs, http://localhost/docs/
//Default "docs"

//Prefix router to access the app, http://localhost/app/....
//Default "app"

//Default router, http://localhost/docs/
//Default "docs"

//Output for structured data response. JSON or XML. 
//Not used in buffer dispatch.
//Default "json"

//Exception template output format, where @ contains the string message
//Default ['type' => 'exception', 'message' => '@']
//Dispatch using the output Type
\PHPBook\Http\Configuration\Output::setException(['type' => 'exception', 'message' => '@']);

//Content template output format, where @ contains the response data structure
//Default ['type' => 'success', 'content' => '@']
//Dispatch using the output Type
\PHPBook\Http\Configuration\Output::setContent(['type' => 'success', 'content' => '@']);	

//Controllers path, the phpbook will load all controllers by folders recursively inside
//Default null. But its 


*  Declare Application Elements
* ******************************************/

class AuthenticationElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {

		$this->setParameter('My-Key', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('header key auth'));
		$this->setParameter('User-Agent', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('header key auth'));
		$this->setParameter('Cache-Control', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('header key auth'));



class CustomerQueryElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {
		$this->setDescription('Query Filter');

		$this->setParameter('ageStarts', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('age starts with'));



class FoodElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {

		$this->setParameter('id', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('food id description'));
		$this->setParameter('name', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('food name description'));



class FriendElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {

		$this->setParameter('id', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('friend id description'));
		$this->setParameter('name', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('friend name description'));
		$this->setParameter('bestFood', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One('FoodElement', 'best food'));
		$this->setParameter('foods', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Many('FoodElement', 'all foods'));


class CustomerElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {

		$this->setParameter('id', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer id description'));
		$this->setParameter('name', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer name description'));
		$this->setParameter('age', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer age description'));
		$this->setParameter('friends', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Many('FriendElement', 'all friends'));
		$this->setParameter('bestFriend', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One('FriendElement', 'best friend'));



class EncapsulationBeanElement extends \PHPBook\Http\Element {

	public function __construct() {

		$this->setParameter('id', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer id description', 'getId'));
		$this->setParameter('name', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer name description', 'getName'));
		$this->setParameter('age', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Value('customer age description', 'getAge'));
		$this->setParameter('friends', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\Many('FriendElement', 'all friends', 'getFriends'));
		$this->setParameter('bestFriend', new \PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One('FriendElement', 'best friend', 'getBestFriend'));




*  Declare Application Middleware
* *******************************************/

 * @PHPBookHttpMiddleware{
 *	"setCode": "'authenticationMiddleware'"
 *	"setName": "'Authentication Middleware'"
 *	"setInputHeader": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'AuthenticationElement', []"
 *	"setParameters": "['		return $authentication;




*  Declare Application Controllers
* *******************************************/

 * @PHPBookHttpRequestCategory{
 *      "setCode": "'customerCategory'"
 *      "setName": "'Customer Category'"
 *      "setMainResourceCategoryCode": "'optionalExampleModulesRequestCategoryCode'"
 * }
class CustomerController {

	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *  "setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *  "setUri": "'customer/post'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setType": "'post'"
     *  "setRelation": "[['get', 'customer/email/exists'], ['get', 'customer/name/exists']]"
	 * 	"setInputBody": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['except' => ['id']]"
	 * 	"setOutput": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', []"
	 * }
	public function post($inputs, $output) {
		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored

		$customer = new stdClass();
		$customer->id = 10;
		$customer->name = $inputs->body->name;
		$customer->age = $inputs->body->age;


		//inside the $output primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		return $output->intercept($customer);


	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *	"setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *	"setUri": "'customer/put/:id'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setType": "'put'"
	 *	"setInputUri": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['only' => ['id']]"
	 *	"setInputBody": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['except' => ['id']]"
	 *	"setOutput": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', []"
	 * }
	public function put($inputs, $output) {

		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored

		//get by $inputs->uri->id to edit;

		$customer = new stdClass();
		$customer->id = $inputs->uri->id;
		$customer->name = $inputs->body->name;
		$customer->age = $inputs->body->age;

		//inside the $output primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		return $output->intercept($customer);

	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *	"setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *	"setUri": "'customer/get/:id'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setType": "'get'"
	 *	"setInputUri": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['only' => ['id']]"
	 *	"setOutput": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['except' => ['id', '']]"
	 * }
	public function get($inputs, $output) {

		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored

		//get by $inputs->uri->id;

		$customer = new stdClass();
		$customer->name = 'Jhon';
		$customer->age = 10;

		//inside the $output primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		return $output->intercept($customer);

		//or if using an output element with encapsulation....

		//using an element with encapsulation(EncapsulationBeanElement in this case) method mapped, you can get a standard class of that object
		//very useful for database entities that you cant access the attributes directly for example.
		$customer = new MyCustomerBean();

		$customerStdclass = $output->standard($customer);

		return $output->intercept($customerStdclass);


	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *	"setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *	"setUri": "'customer/query'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setType": "'get'"
	 *	"setInputQuery": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerQueryElement', []"
	 *	"setOutput": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', []"
	 * }
	public function query($inputs, $output) {

		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored

		$customers = [];

		$jhon = new stdClass();
		$jhon->id = 25;
		$jhon->name = 'Jhon';
		$jhon->age = 10;

		foreach([$jhon, $paul] as $customer) {
			if ($inputs->query->ageStarts <= $customer->age) {
				$customers[] = $customer;

		//inside the $output primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		return $output->intercept($customers);

	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *	"setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *	"setUri": "'customer/get/:id/photo/:alias'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setType": "'get'"
	 *	"setInputUri": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['only' => ['id']]"
	 *	"setOutput": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', []"
	 *	"setIsBufferOutput": "true"
	 *	"setCacheHours": "72"
	 * }
	public function photo($inputs, $output) {

		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored

		//get by $inputs->uri->id;
		//the $inputs->uri->alias is a practice that you can use just to control cache request;
		//you do not need use $inputs->uri->alias to get the file
		//$inputs->uri->alias can be the current file name or any other name.

		$buffer = $customer->photo;

		return $buffer;


	 * @PHPBookHttpRequestResource{
	 *	"setCategoryCode": "'customerCategory'"
	 *	"setUri": "'customer/delete/:id'"
	 *	"setNotes": "'Any important note'"
	 *	"setMiddlewareCode": "'authenticationMiddleware:roleDeleteCustomer'"
	 *	"setType": "'delete'"
	 *	"setInputUri": "'\PHPBook\Http\Parameter\One', 'CustomerElement', ['only' => ['id']]"
	 * }
	public function delete($inputs, $output, \Authentication\User $user) {

		//variable $user in the third parameter contains the return of the middleware method intercept

		//inside the $inputs primitive values, the whitespace are stripped from the beginning and end
		//values non defined by user, will be defined null
		//extra values defined by user, will be ignored
		//get by $inputs->uri->id to delete;
		return Null;



*  Generate Request Proxies
* *************************************************/

/* The Directory will be cleared recursively before generate, so you should have a unique folder to this proxies.*/

/* You must generate or re-generate de proxy file when create or change controllers notations */

/* You cannot start http without proxies */


*  Start Request Proxies
* *************************************************/

/* You must start proxies before start the http */


*  Start Application Http
* *************************************************/

/* FILE index.php */

if (!\PHPBook\Http\Script::isConsole()) {



*  Http URI Get Path
* *************************************************/

$base = \PHPBook\Http\Url::get();

$resource = \PHPBook\Http\Url::get('customer/get/2');