PHP code example of phpbook / email

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phpbook/email library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phpbook / email example snippets

 *  Declare Configurations
 * ******************************************/

//Driver connection SMTP

	(new \PHPBook\Email\Configuration\Connection)
		->setExceptionCatcher(function(String $message) {
			//the PHPBook Email does not throw exceptions, but you can take it here
			//you can store $message in database or something else
		->setDriver((new \PHPBook\Email\Driver\SMTP)
			->setEmail('[email protected]')

//Driver connection AWSSES

	(new \PHPBook\Email\Configuration\Connection)
		->setExceptionCatcher(function(String $message) {
			//the PHPBook Email does not throw exceptions, but you can take it here
			//you can store $message in database or something else
		->setDriver((new \PHPBook\Email\Driver\AWSSES)
			->setEmail('[email protected]')

//Driver connection MAILGUN

	(new \PHPBook\Email\Configuration\Connection)
		->setExceptionCatcher(function(String $message) {
			//the PHPBook Email does not throw exceptions, but you can take it here
			//you can store $message in database or something else
		->setDriver((new \PHPBook\Email\Driver\MAILGUN)
			->setEmail('[email protected]')

//Driver connection SPARKPOST

	(new \PHPBook\Email\Configuration\Connection)
		->setExceptionCatcher(function(String $message) {
			//the PHPBook Email does not throw exceptions, but you can take it here
			//you can store $message in database or something else
		->setDriver((new \PHPBook\Email\Driver\SPARKPOST)
			->setEmail('[email protected]')

//Set default connection by connection alias


//Getting connections

$connections = \PHPBook\Email\Configuration\Email::getConnections();

foreach($connections as $code => $connection) {





	//Connection code is not ail\Email)
			(new \PHPBook\Email\Message)
				->setFromName('[email protected]') //custom from name. not bject('email subject')
				->setContent('my html body')
					(new \PHPBook\Email\Attach)->setFileAlias('myfile')->setFileBuffer('my-file-buffer'),
					(new \PHPBook\Email\Attach)->setFileAlias('myfile')->setFilePath('my/file/path')

	if ($boolean) {