PHP code example of php-unit-conversion / php-unit-conversion

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-unit-conversion/php-unit-conversion library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-unit-conversion / php-unit-conversion example snippets

use PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass;
$milliGram = new Mass\MilliGram(12);
$milliGram->getValue(); // 12
$milliGram->getSymbol(); // 'mg'

/* A format method is available that accepts two parameters:
 * @integer precision
 * @boolean add_symbol
$milliGram->format(3, false); // 12.000

/* Units are set relative to the BASE_UNIT of the unit type
 * e.g. for Mass the base unit is gram's
echo Mass::BASE_UNIT;
// PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass\Gram

/* Most units are linear related to the base unit by a fixed factor
 * For these units you can retrieve the factor by calling getFactor,
 * this can return false if no factor has been defined
echo $milliGram->getFactor();
// 0.001

/* The base unit has no factor defined, this is because we use class constants
 * to define factors for SI prefixes and you can't extend/overwrite constants
var_dump((new Mass\Gram(2))->getFactor());
// false

use PhpUnitConversion\Unit;
use PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass;

/* If you have an instantiated unit, you can convert to a new unit by calling the 
 * static `from` method on the unit you want to convert to 
$grams = new Mass\Gram(21);
echo Mass\PennyWeight::from($grams)->format();
// 13.503 dwt

/* You can also call the `to` method on the unit object and pass the class name of 
 * the unit you want to convert to 
$grams = new Mass\Gram(21);
$milliGram = $massUnit->to(Mass\MilliGram::class);
echo $milliGram->format(0);
// 21000 mg

/* or use an instantiated object, this will overwrite any existing value
 * due to php passing objects by reference there is no need for a left assignment this way 
$grams = new Mass\Gram(21);
$kiloGram = new Mass\KiloGram;
echo $kiloGram->format();
// 0.021 kg

/* but `to` also returns the object for left assignment
$massUnit = new Mass\Gram(21);
$ounce = $massUnit->to(new Mass\Ounce);
echo $ounce->format();
// 0.741 oz

/* you can convert directly from a string which has a format of '<value><symbol>' 
 * by calling the static `from` method on the unit class
$milliGrams = Unit::from('21 mg');
var_dump($milliGrams instanceof Mass\MilliGram::class)
// true

/* but if you already know which type of unit to expect, you can also call 
 * `from` directly on the unit type class. This could prevent errors when multiple units
 * exists with the same symbol
$milliGrams = Mass::from('21 mg');
var_dump($milliGrams instanceof Mass\MilliGram::class)
// true

use PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass;
$value = rand(0, 1E13);
$unit = Mass::nearest($value);
echo $unit->format();
// 3.471 long cwt

use PhpUnitConversion\System;
use PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass;

$gram = Mass\Gram(850);

/* Only Units from the Metric system */
$unit = Mass::nearest($value, System\Metric::class);
echo $unit->format();   
// 8.500 hg

/* Only Units from the USC / Imperial system */
$unit = Mass::nearest($value, System\USC::class);
echo $unit->format();   
// 1.874 lb

use PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass;
$kiloGrams = new Mass\KiloGrams(1);
echo $kiloGrams();
// 64001

use PhpUnitConversion\Unit;
$grams = Unit::from(64001);
echo get_class($grams);
// PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Mass\Gram

$kiloGrams = $grams->to(Unit\Mass\KiloGram::class);
echo $kiloGrams->format();
// 1 kg

/* You can add units of the same type by calling `add` method with one or more units as arguments
 * add always returns a new instance
$grams = new Mass\Gram(580);
$addGrams = $massUnit->add(new Mass\KiloGram(0.4), new Mass\Gram(11));
echo $addGrams->format(0);
// 991 g

/* You can also substract units of the same type by calling `substract` method with one or more units
 * as arguments. substract always returns a new instance
$grams = new Mass\Gram(580);
$subGrams = $massUnit->substract(new Mass\KiloGram(0.4), new Mass\Gram(11));
echo $subGrams->format(0);
// 169 g

/* When you try to add/substract units of different types an exception is thrown
$grams = new Mass\Gram(580);
$addGrams = $massUnit->add(new Time\Second(60) );
// throws a PhpUnitConversion\Exception\UnsupportedUnitException

use PhpUnitConversion\Map as UnitMap;

/* You can add custom units by calling the add method on UnitMap.
 * The first argument should be the path to a directory containing UnitTypes files with
 * the corresponding Unit files in a subfolder.
 * The second argument is the namespace that you use in your files

/* If you only want add one unit to an existing unit type, add a third argument with the class name
 * of the unit type you want your unit to add to
UnitMap::add('/path/to/TwoTableSpoons.php', '\\MyUnits', PhpUnitConversion\Unit\Volume::class);