PHP code example of php-school / keylighter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-school/keylighter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-school / keylighter example snippets

use Kadet\Highlighter\Language;

echo \Kadet\Highlighter\highlight($source, new Language\Php(), $formatter);
// or
echo \Kadet\Highlighter\KeyLighter::get()->highlight($source, new Language\Php(), $formatter);
// or
$keylighter = new \Kadet\Highlighter\KeyLighter([options]);
echo $keylighter->highlight($source, new Language\Php(), $formatter);

new \Kadet\Highlighter\Formatter\CliFormatter([
    'string'      => ['color' => 'green'],
    'keyword'     => ['color' => 'yellow'],

class Xml extends GreedyLanguage
    const IDENTIFIER = '(?P<namespace>[\w\.-]+:)?(?P<name>[\w\.-]+)';

     * Tokenization rules
    public function setupRules()
            ''  => [
                new OpenRule(new RegexMatcher('/(<\w+)[:\/>:\s]/')),
                new CloseRule(new SubStringMatcher('>'), ['context' => ['!string', '!comment']])
            'tag.close' => new Rule(new RegexMatcher('/(<\/(?:\w+:)?(?:[\w\.]+)>)/')),

            'symbol.tag' => new Rule(new RegexMatcher('/<\\/?' . self::IDENTIFIER . '/', [
                'name'      => Token::NAME,
                'namespace' => '$.namespace'
            ]), ['context' => ['tag', '!string']]),

            'symbol.attribute' => new Rule(new RegexMatcher('/' . self::IDENTIFIER . '=/', [
                'name'      => Token::NAME,
                'namespace' => '$.namespace'
            ]), ['context' => ['tag', '!string']]),

            'constant.entity' => new Rule(new RegexMatcher('/(&(?:\#\d+|[a-z])+;)/si')),

            'comment' => new Rule(new CommentMatcher(null, [['<!--', '-->']])),
            'string'  => CommonFeatures::strings(['single' => '\'', 'double' => '"'], ['context' => ['tag']]),

    /** {@inheritdoc} */
    public function getIdentifier()
        return 'xml';
$ composer global