PHP code example of php-mvc-project / php-mvc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-mvc-project/php-mvc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-mvc-project / php-mvc example snippets

// use aoutoload (recommended)

// be sure to specify the namespace of your application

// use session if you need

// routes
AppBuilder::routes(function($routes) {
    // skip all the paths that point to the folder /content

    // default route
    $routes->add('default', '{controller=Home}/{action=index}/{id?}');

// build

// make sure you add the Controllers child name to the root namespace of your application
namespace RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Controllers;

// import the base class of the controller
use PhpMvc\Controller;

// expand your class with the base controller class
class HomeController extends Controller {

    public function index() {
        // use the content function to return text content:
        return $this->content('Hello, world!');

        // create to the ./view/home/index.php
        // and use view function to return this view:
        // return $this->view();


namespace RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Controllers;

use PhpMvc\Controller;
use PhpMvc\Model;

class AccountController extends Controller {

    public function __construct() {
        Model::set('join', 'join');

        Model::email', 'Email');
        Model::display('join', 'password', 'Password');
        Model::display('join', 'confirmPassword', 'Confirm password');

        Model::compare('join', 'confirmPassword', 'password');
        Model::validation('join', 'email', function($value) {
            return filter_var($value, \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
    public function join($model) {
      if (!isset($model)) {
        $model = new ModelForExample();

      return $this->view($model);


use PhpMvc\Html;

use PhpMvc\View;

// model intance (for the convenience of working with the IDE)
$model = new RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Models\AnyClass();

// set layout

// set title
View::setTitle('Test title');

// iject model (from action)

class HomeController extends PhpMvc\Controller {

  public function index() {
    return $this->view();

  public function hello() {
    return $this->view();

  public function other() {
    return $this->view();


class TestController extends PhpMvc\Controller {

  public function get($search = '', $page = 1, $limit = 10) {
    return $this->content(
      'search: ' . $search . chr(10) .
      'page: ' . $page . chr(10) .
      'limit: ' . $limit


class AnyNameModelClass {

  public $search;

  public $page;

  public $limit;


class TestController extends PhpMvc\Controller {

  public function post($anyName) {
    return $this->content(
      'search: ' . $anyName->search . chr(10) .
      'page: ' . $anyName->page . chr(10) .
      'limit: ' . $anyName->limit


class AnyController extends PhpMvc\Controller {

  public function example() {
    $view = new ViewResult();

    // set the name of an existing view file
    $view->viewFile = '~/view/abc/filename.php';
    // set the title
    $view->title = 'The view is created programmatically';
    // set the layout file name
    $view->layout = 'layout.php';

    // create model for view
    $model = new Example();

    $model->title = 'Hello, world!';
    $model->text = 'The model contains text.';
    $model->number = 42;

    // set model to the view
    $view->model = $model;

    // return view
    return $view;


class TestController extends Controller {

  public function __construct() {
    // add filter TestFilter to all actions of the controller

    // add filter ExceptionToJson to error action
    Filter::add('error', 'ExceptionToJson');

  public function index() {
      return $this->content('Hello, world!');

  public function other() {
      return $this->view('~/views/home/other.php');

  public function anyname() {
      return $this->view();

  public function error() {
      throw new \Exception('Any error here!');


namespace RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Filters;

use PhpMvc\ActionFilter;
use PhpMvc\ContentResult;

class TestFilter extends ActionFilter {

  // action executed handler
  public function actionExecuted($actionExecutedContext) {
    // check exception result
    if (($ex = $actionExecutedContext->getException()) === null) {
      // no exception, replace result
      $actionExecutedContext->setResult(new ContentResult('test'));
    else {
      // set exception error message to result
      $actionExecutedContext->setResult(new ContentResult($ex->getMessage()));


namespace RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Filters;

use PhpMvc\ActionFilter;
use PhpMvc\JsonResult;

class ExceptionToJson extends ActionFilter {

  // error handler
  public function exception($exceptionContext) {
    // set JsonResult to action result
      new JsonResult(
        array('message' => $exceptionContext->getException()->getMessage())
    // exception is handled


AppBuilder::routes(function(RouteProvider $routes) {
  $routes->add('default', '{controller=Home}/{action=index}/{id?}');

public function index($yyyy, $mm, $dd) {
  return $this->content('Date: ' . $yyyy . '-' . $mm . '-' . $dd);

AppBuilder::useCache(new FileCacheProvider());

$cache = $this->getHttpContext()->getCache();
$cache->add('test', 'hello, world!');

$cache = View::getHttpContext()->getCache();
$cache->add('test', 'hello, world!');

namespace RootNamespaceOfYourApp\Controllers;

use PhpMvc\OutputCache;
use PhpMvc\OutputCacheLocation;
use PhpMvc\Controller;

class OutputCacheController extends Controller {

    public function __construct() {
        // caching for 10 seconds of the results of all actions of this controller
        OutputCache::setDuration('.', 10);
        // caching for 30 seconds of the results of the action of thirty
        OutputCache::setDuration('thirty', 30);

    public function index($time) {
        return $this->content('time => ' . $time);

    public function thirty($time) {
        return $this->content('time => ' . $time);

$ composer 
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On

  # redirect /index.php to /
  RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /.*index\.php
  RewriteRule ^index.php/?(.*)$ $1 [R=301,L]

  # process all requests through index.php, except for actually existing files
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1?%{QUERY_STRING} [QSA,L]
location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;