PHP code example of php-monsters / shaparak

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-monsters/shaparak library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-monsters / shaparak example snippets


'Shaparak' => PhpMonsters\Shaparak\Facades\Shaparak::class,

$table->string('token', 40)->nullable(); // It keeps token that we get from the IPG
$table->jsonb('gateway_callback_params')->nullable(); // It keeps the IPG callback parameters (just for tracking and debugging)

$table->boolean('verified')->default(false); // Transaction verified or not
$table->boolean('after_verified')->default(false); // Transaction settled or not
$table->boolean('reversed')->default(false); // Transaction revered/refunded or not
$table->boolean('accomplished')->default(false); // Transaction accomplished or not

namespace App\Models;

use App\Traits\JsonbField;
use App\Traits\ShaparakIntegration;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use PhpMonsters\Shaparak\Contracts\Transaction as ShaparakTransaction;

class Transaction extends Model implements TransactionTransaction

trait ShaparakIntegration
     * return callback url for payment process
    public function getCallbackUrl(): string
        return makeHttpsUrl(route(
                'token' => $this->token,

     * set gateway token that fetched from ipg provider gateway
    public function setGatewayToken(string $token, bool $save = true): bool
        $this->token = $token;
        $this->status = (TransactionStatusEnum::GoneToGate)->value;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

    public function getGatewayToken(): string
        return $this->token;

     * check if you transaction is ready for requesting payment token
    public function isReadyForTokenRequest(): bool
        return intval($this->status) <= (TransactionStatusEnum::Callback)->value;

     * check if transaction is ready for requesting verify transaction
    public function isReadyForVerify(): bool
        return intval($this->status) <= (TransactionStatusEnum::Verified)->value;

     * check if transaction is ready for requesting inquiry transaction (if supported by gateway)
    public function isReadyForInquiry(): bool
        return intval($this->status) >= (TransactionStatusEnum::GoneToGate)->value;

     * check if transaction is ready for requesting settle/... transaction (if needed by gateway)
    public function isReadyForSettle(): bool
        return intval($this->status) == (TransactionStatusEnum::Verified)->value;

     * check if transaction is ready to mark as  accomplished
    public function isReadyForAccomplish(): bool
        return (intval($this->status) >= (TransactionStatusEnum::Verified)->value) &&
            (intval($this->status) < (TransactionStatusEnum::Accomplished)->value);

    public function ipgProviderSupportsRefund(): bool
        return ! empty($this->providable) &&
            $this->providable->refund_support === true;

    public function isReadyForReverse(): bool
        return $this->status === TransactionStatusEnum::Callback->value;

    public function isReadyForCancel(): bool
        return $this->status === TransactionStatusEnum::Verified->value;

     * check if transaction is ready for accomplishment (merchant verify)
    public function isReadyForRefund(): bool
            $this->ipgProviderSupportsRefund() &&
            (int) $this->status !== (TransactionStatusEnum::Accomplished)->value;

     * update transaction by paid card number (if provided by gateway)
    public function setCardNumber(string $cardNumber, bool $save = true): bool
        $this->cardNumber = $cardNumber;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

     * mark transaction as verified
    public function setVerified(bool $save = true): bool
        $this->status = (TransactionStatusEnum::Verified)->value;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

     * mark transaction as settled/...
    public function setSettled(bool $save = true): bool
        $this->status = (TransactionStatusEnum::Settled)->value;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

     * mark transaction as reversed
    public function setRefunded(bool $save = true): bool
        $this->status = (TransactionStatusEnum::Refund)->value;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

     * get transaction amount
    public function getPayableAmount(): int
        return $this->payable_amount;

     * save ipg provider's gateway callback parameters into transaction
    public function setCallBackParameters(array $parameters, bool $save = true): bool
        $this->gateway_callback_params = $parameters;

        if ($save) {
            return $this->save();

        return true;

     * @return false|mixed|string
    public function getCallbackParams(): mixed
        return $this->gateway_callback_params;

// method I: init Shaparak by passing custom gateway options
$gatewayProperties = [
    'terminal_id' => 'X1A3B5CY-X1DT4Z',
    'terminal_pass' => '12345',
$shaparak = Shaparak::with($psp, $transaction, $gatewayProperties)
// method II: init shaparak by config based gateway options
// if you don't pass the third item it will use gateway's options from `config/shaparak.php` config file
$shaparak = Shaparak::with($psp, $transaction)

// create your transaction as you desired
$transaction = new Transaction();
$transaction->user_id = $user->id;
// ...
$transaction->ip_address = $request->getClientIp();
$transaction->description = $request->input('description');

try {
    $form = Shaparak::with('saman', $transaction)->getForm();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    return redirect()->back();

{!! $form !!}

$shaparak = Shaparak::with('saman', $order)
if ($shaparak->canContinueWithCallbackParameters($request->all()) !== true) {
    // do what you need


$verifyResult = $shaparak->verifyTransaction($request->all());

$inquiryResult = $shaparak->inquiryTransaction($request->all());
$settleResult = $shaparak->settleTransaction($request->all());
$refundResult = $shaparak->refundTransaction($request->all());
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PhpMonsters\Shaparak\ShaparakServiceProvider"