PHP code example of php-monsters / laravel-xlog

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-monsters/laravel-xlog library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-monsters / laravel-xlog example snippets


use PhpMonsters\Log\XLog; // or register XLog Facade

XLog::debug('my log message');
XLog::info('my log message');
XLog::notice('my log message');
XLog::warning('my log message');
XLog::error('my log message');
XLog::critical('my log message');
XLog::alert('my log message');
XLog::emergency('my log message');

// passing string as the second parameter
$string = 'test'
XLog::info('log message', [$string]);

// passing array
$array = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 'value3', 'd' => 4.2];
XLog::info('log message', $array);
// log input data in the controller's action
XLog::info('verify transaction request', $request->all());

// The first parameter is the thrown exception. The second parameter specifies whether to log the trace or not. the third parameter is the level of the log. default value is `error`.
XLog::exception($exception, true);
XLog::exception($exception, true, 'error');
XLog::exception($e, false, 'emergency');

[2024-06-26 00:36:12] production.DEBUG: AsanpardakhtController::token_request {"servicetypeid":1,"merchantconfigurationid":38718596,"localinvoiceid":17193495725213,"amountinrials":6980000,"localdate":"20240626 003612","callbackurl":"https://shop.test/payment/gateway-transactions/pqj5nm/callback","paymentid":0,"additionaldata":null,"settlementportions":[{"iban":"IR600780100710844707074710","amountInRials":6980000,"paymentId":0}],"sid":"","uip":"","uid":"user","xTrackId":"523586093e"}
[2024-06-26 00:36:13] production.INFO: AsanpardakhtController::token_response hd764QZna1fl1ALEwjoA: 200 {"sid":"","uip":"","uid":"user","xTrackId":"523586093e"}