PHP code example of php-llm / llm-chain

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download php-llm/llm-chain library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


php-llm / llm-chain example snippets

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\Embeddings;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\GPT;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\PlatformFactory;

// Platform: OpenAI
$platform = PlatformFactory::create($_ENV['OPENAI_API_KEY']);

// Language Model: GPT (OpenAI)
$llm = new GPT(GPT::GPT_4O_MINI); 

// Embeddings Model: Embeddings (OpenAI)
$embeddings = new Embeddings();

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;

// Platform & LLM instantiation

$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm);
$messages = new MessageBag(
    Message::forSystem('You are a helpful chatbot answering questions about LLM Chain.'),
    Message::ofUser('Hello, how are you?'),
$response = $chain->call($messages);

echo $response->getContent(); // "I'm fine, thank you. How can I help you today?"

// Chain and MessageBag instantiation

$response = $chain->call($messages, [
    'temperature' => 0.5, // example option controlling the randomness of the response, e.g. GPT and Claude
    'n' => 3,             // example option controlling the number of responses generated, e.g. GPT

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ChainProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ToolAnalyzer;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ToolBox;

// Platform & LLM instantiation

$yourTool = new YourTool();

$toolBox = new ToolBox(new ToolAnalyzer(), [$yourTool]);
$toolProcessor = new ChainProcessor($toolBox);

$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm, inputProcessor: [$toolProcessor], outputProcessor: [$toolProcessor]);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\ToolBox\Attribute\AsTool;

#[AsTool('company_name', 'Provides the name of your company')]
final class CompanyName
    public function __invoke(): string
        return 'ACME Corp.'

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\ToolBox\Attribute\AsTool;

#[AsTool(name: 'weather_current', description: 'get current weather for a location', method: 'current')]
#[AsTool(name: 'weather_forecast', description: 'get weather forecast for a location', method: 'forecast')]
final readonly class OpenMeteo
    public function current(float $latitude, float $longitude): array
        // ...

    public function forecast(float $latitude, float $longitude): array
        // ...

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\ToolBox\Attribute\AsTool;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\ToolBox\Attribute\ToolParameter;

#[AsTool('my_tool', 'Example tool with parameters ic function __invoke(
        #[ToolParameter(pattern: '/([a-z0-1]){5}/')]
        string $name,
        #[ToolParameter(minimum: 0, maximum: 10)]   
        int $number,
    ): string {
        // ...

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ChainProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\FaultTolerantToolBox;

// Platform, LLM & ToolBox instantiation

$toolBox = new FaultTolerantToolBox($innerToolBox);
$toolProcessor = new ChainProcessor($toolBox);

$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm, inputProcessor: [$toolProcessor], outputProcessor: [$toolProcessor]);

$this->chain->call($messages, ['tools' => ['tavily_search']]);

$eventDispatcher->addListener(ToolCallsExecuted::class, function (ToolCallsExecuted $event): void {
    foreach ($event->toolCallResults as $toolCallResult) {
        if (str_starts_with($toolCallResult->toolCall->name, 'weather_')) {
            $event->response = new StructuredResponse($toolCallResult->result);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Embedder;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\Embeddings;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\PlatformFactory;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\Pinecone\Store;
use Probots\Pinecone\Pinecone;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;

$embedder = new Embedder(
    new Embeddings(),
    new Store(Pinecone::client($_ENV['PINECONE_API_KEY'], $_ENV['PINECONE_HOST']),

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Document\Metadata;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Document\TextDocument;

foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    $documents[] = new TextDocument(
        id: $entity->getId(),                       // UUID instance
        content: $entity->toString(),               // Text representation of relevant data for embedding
        metadata: new Metadata($entity->toArray()), // Array representation of entity to be stored additionally

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ChainProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\Tool\SimilaritySearch;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ToolAnalyzer;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ToolBox\ToolBox;

// Initialize Platform & Models

$similaritySearch = new SimilaritySearch($embeddings, $store);
$toolBox = new ToolBox(new ToolAnalyzer(), [$similaritySearch]);
$processor = new ChainProcessor($toolBox);
$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm, [$processor], [$processor]);

$messages = new MessageBag(
        Please answer all user questions only using the similary_search tool. Do not add information and if you cannot
        find an answer, say so.
    Message::ofUser('...') // The user's question.
$response = $chain->call($messages);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\StructuredOutput\ChainProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\StructuredOutput\ResponseFormatFactory;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Tests\Chain\StructuredOutput\Data\MathReasoning;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ObjectNormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer;

// Initialize Platform and LLM

$serializer = new Serializer([new ObjectNormalizer()], [new JsonEncoder()]);
$processor = new ChainProcessor(new ResponseFormatFactory(), $serializer);
$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm, [$processor], [$processor]);

$messages = new MessageBag(
    Message::forSystem('You are a helpful math tutor. Guide the user through the solution step by step.'),
    Message::ofUser('how can I solve 8x + 7 = -23'),
$response = $chain->call($messages, ['output_structure' => MathReasoning::class]);

dump($response->getContent()); // returns an instance of `MathReasoning` class

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;

// Initialize Platform, LLM and Chain with processors and Clock tool

$messages = new MessageBag(Message::ofUser('What date and time is it?'));
$response = $chain->call($messages, ['response_format' => [
    'type' => 'json_schema',
    'json_schema' => [
        'name' => 'clock',
        'strict' => true,
        'schema' => [
            'type' => 'object',
            'properties' => [
                'date' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.'],
                'time' => ['type' => 'string', 'description' => 'The current time in the format HH:MM:SS.'],

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Message\MessageBag;

// Initialize Platform and LLM

$chain = new Chain($llm);
$messages = new MessageBag(
    Message::forSystem('You are a thoughtful philosopher.'),
    Message::ofUser('What is the purpose of an ant?'),
$response = $chain->call($messages, [
    'stream' => true, // enable streaming of response text

foreach ($response->getContent() as $word) {
    echo $word;

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Content\Image;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;

// Initialize Platform, LLM & Chain

$messages = new MessageBag(
    Message::forSystem('You are an image analyzer bot that helps identify the content of images.'),
        'Describe the image as a comedian would do it.',
        new Image(dirname(__DIR__).'/tests/Fixture/image.jpg'), // Path to an image file
        new Image(''), // URL to an image
        new Image('data:image/png;base64,...'), // Data URL of an image
$response = $chain->call($messages);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Content\Audio;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\Message;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\MessageBag;

// Initialize Platform, LLM & Chain

$messages = new MessageBag(
        'What is this recording about?',
        new Audio(dirname(__DIR__).'/tests/Fixture/audio.mp3'), // Path to an audio file
$response = $chain->call($messages);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Bridge\OpenAI\Embeddings;

// Initialize Platform

$embeddings = new Embeddings($platform, Embeddings::TEXT_3_SMALL);

$vectors = $platform->request($embeddings, $textInput)->getContent();

dump($vectors[0]->getData()); // Array of float values

// Initialize Platform & Model

foreach ($inputs as $input) {
    $responses[] = $platform->request($model, $input);

foreach ($responses as $response) {
    echo $response->getContent().PHP_EOL;

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain;

// Initialize Platform, LLM and processors

$chain = new Chain($platform, $llm, $inputProcessors, $outputProcessors);

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\Input;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\InputProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\AssistantMessage

final class MyProcessor implements InputProcessor
    public function processInput(Input $input): void
        // mutate options
        $options = $input->getOptions();
        $options['foo'] = 'bar';
        // mutate MessageBag
        $input->messages->append(new AssistantMessage(sprintf('Please answer using the locale %s', $this->locale)));

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\Output;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\OutputProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\AssistantMessage

final class MyProcessor implements OutputProcessor
    public function processOutput(Output $out): void
        // mutate response
        if (str_contains($output->response->getContent, self::STOP_WORD)) {
            $output->reponse = new TextReponse('Sorry, we were unable to find relevant information.')

use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ChainAwareProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\ChainAwareTrait;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\Output;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Chain\OutputProcessor;
use PhpLlm\LlmChain\Model\Message\AssistantMessage

final class MyProcessor implements OutputProcessor, ChainAwareProcessor
    use ChainAwareTrait;

    public function processOutput(Output $out): void
        // additional chain interaction
        $response = $this->chain->call(...);