PHP code example of phossa2 / event

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phossa2/event library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phossa2 / event example snippets

  use Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher;

  // event dispatcher
  $events = new EventDispatcher();

  // bind event with a callback
  $events->attach('login.success', function($evt) {
      echo "logged in as ". $evt->getParam('username');

  // bind event with a callable
  $events->attach('login.attempt', [$logger, 'logEvent']);

  // unbind an event

  // fire the trigger

  // bind 'login.*' with callables
  $events->attach('login.*', function($evt) {
      echo $evt->getName();

  // trigger 'login.atttempt' will also trigger callables of 'login.*'

  // unbind the exact 'login.*'

  // global event manager, global scope is ''
  $globalEvents = EventDispatcher::getShareable();

  // shared event manager in scope 'MVC'
  $mvcEvents = EventDispatcher::getShareable('MVC');

  // an event manager instance, which has scope 'MVC'
  $events = new EventDispatcher('MVC');

  // in scope MVC ?
  var_dump($events->hasScope('MVC')); // true

  // in global scope ?
  var_dump($events->hasScope()); // true

  // shared event manager in scope 'MVC'
  $mvcEvents = EventDispatcher::getShareable('MVC');

  // bind with pirority 100 (highest priority)
  $mvcEvents->attach('*', function($evt) {
      echo "mvc";
  }, 100);

  // create a new instance within the MVC scope
  $events = new EventDispatcher('MVC');

  // bind with default priority 0
  $events->attach('test', function($evt) {
      echo "test";

  // will also trigger matched events in $mvcEvents

  // create an event manager with 2 scopes
  $events = new EventDispatcher(['MVC', 'AnotherScope']);

  // add another scope

  // bind a callable to global event manager
  EventDispatcher::onGlobalEvent('login.success', function() {});

  // use interface name as a scope
      'Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface', // scope
      'log.error', // event name
      function () {}

  // unbind all callables of event 'log.error' in a scope

  // unbind *ALL* events in global scope

  use Phossa2\Event\Interfaces\ListenerInterface;

  class myListener implements ListenerInterface
      public function eventsListening()
          return [
              // one method of $this
              eventName1 => 'method1',

              // 2 methods
              eventName2 => ['callable1', 'method2'],

              // priority 20 and in a 'mvcScope' scope
              eventName2 => ['method2', 20, 'mvcScope'], // with priority 20

              eventName3 => [
                  ['method3', 50],
                  ['method4', 70, 'anotherScope']

  $events = new EventDispatcher();

  $listener = new \myListener();

  // bind all events defined in $listener->eventsListening()

  // will call $listener->method1()

  StaticEventDispatcher::attach('*', function($evt) {
      echo 'event ' . $evt->getName();

  // will print 'event test'

  StaticEventDispatcher::setEventManager(new EventDispatcher());

  class LoginController extends EventCapableAbstract
      public function login() {

          // failed
          if (!$this->trigger('login.pre')) {

          // ...

      public function beforeLogin() {
          // ...

      public function eventsListening()
          return [
              'login.pre' => 'beforeLogin'

  // define event '*' for interface 'MyInterface'
      'MyInterface', '*', function() { echo "MyInterface"; }, 60

  class MyClass extends EventCapableAbstract implements MyInterface
      public function myMethod()
          echo "myMethod";

      public function eventsListening()/*# : array */
          return [
              // priority 20
              'afterTest' => ['myMethod', 20]

  $obj = new MyClass();

  // will trigger callable 'myMethod' and handlers for 'MyInterface'

  // bind a callable for executing only once
  $events->one('user.login', function(Event $evt) {
      // ...

  // 3 times
  $events->many(3, 'user.tag', function(Event $evt) {
      // ...