PHP code example of phoenixrvd / oda

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phoenixrvd/oda library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phoenixrvd / oda example snippets

class MyDataObject {

    private $data = [];
    public function getFoo(){
        return $this->data['foo'];
    public function setFoo($value){
        $this->data['foo'] = $value;
        return $this;
    public function hasFoo(){
        return isset($this->data['foo']);
    public function isFoo($value){
        return $this->hasFoo() && $this->data['foo'] === $value;
    public function getBar(){
        return $this->data['bar'];
    public function setBar($value){
        $this->data['bar'] = $value;
        return $this;
    public function hasBar(){
        return isset($this->data['bar']);
    public function isBar($value){
        return $this->hasBar() && $this->data['bar'] === $value;


use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Interfaces\OdaObject;
use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Traits\DataAccessors;
use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Traits\ValueObject;

class MyDataObject implements OdaObject {

    use ValueObject, DataAccessors;



 * @method $this  setFoo(mixed $value)
 * @method string getFoo()
 * @method bool   isFoo(mixed $value)
 * @method bool   hasFoo()
 * @method $this  setBar(mixed $value)
 * @method string getBar()
 * @method bool   isBar(mixed $value)
 * @method bool   hasBar()


use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Methods\AbstractMethod;
use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Interfaces\OdaObject;

class DateRFC822 extends AbstractMethod {

    public function execute(OdaObject $object, array $attributes = array()) {
        $data = $object->getData();

        return date(DATE_RFC822, $data[ $this->propertyName ]);

use PhoenixRVD\ODA\MethodFactory;

trait MyObjectDecorator {

    public function __call($name, $arguments) {
        return (MethodFactory::getInstance())
            ->setAccessor(new DateRFC822) // Eigenes Accessor bei der Factory registrieren
            ->execute($this, $arguments);


use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Interfaces\OdaObject;
use PhoenixRVD\ODA\Traits\ValueObject;

class MyDataObject implements OdaObject {

    use ValueObject, MyObjectDecorator;


// Ausgabe: Tue, 11 Apr 2017 21:22:14 +0000
echo (new MyDataObject())->setCreatedAt(1491945734)->dateCreatedAt(); 