PHP code example of phly / phly-redis-task-queue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phly/phly-redis-task-queue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phly / phly-redis-task-queue example snippets

namespace Foo;

class HelloWorldTask
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $message
    ) {

interface MapperInterface
     * Can this implementation hydrate the given array type?
     * @psalm-param array{__type: string, ...} $serialized
    public function handlesArray(array $serialized): bool;

     * Can this implementation extract the given object type?
    public function handlesObject(object $object): bool;

    /** @return array{__type: string, ...} */
    public function castToArray(object $object): array;

    /** @psalm-param array{__type: string, ...} $serialized */
    public function castToObject(array $serialized): object;

return [
    'redis-task-queue' => [
        'mappers' => [

class RssFeedMapperFactory
    public function __invoke(): EmptyObjectMapper
        return new EmptyObjectMapper(RssFeed::class);

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => 
            'rss-feed-mapper' => RssFeedMapperFactory::class,
    'redis-task-queue' => [
        'mappers' => [

class RssFeedMapperDelegator
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, string $requestedName, callable $factory): Mapper
        $mapper = $factory();
        $mapper->attach(new EmptyObjectMapper(RssFeed::class));
        return $mapper;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'delegators' => [
            \Phly\RedisTaskQueue\Mapper\Mapper::class => [

$dispatcher->dispatch(new DeferredEvent($task));

namespace Foo;

class HelloWorldListener
    public function __invoke(HelloWorldTask $task): void
        error_log(sprintf('Hello, %s', $task->message));

return [
    'cron' => [
        // Keys are not hours at the top of the hour
            'schedule' => '0 */3 * * *',
            'task'     => '{"__type": "App\\\\Tasks\\\\FetchRssFeed", "url": "", "headers": {"Accept": "application/atom+xml"}}',
        'social' => [
            // Fetch every 15 minutes
            'schedule' => '*/15 * * * *',
            'task' => '{"__type": "App\\\\Tasks\\\\FetchSocial"}',

return [
    'redis-task-queue' => [
        'mappers' => [
            // Class names of mapper services that can map event types for serialization
        // Float seconds interval between task runner invocations
        'task_runner_interval' => 1.0,
        'signals' => [
            // Integer signals which indicate the task or cron runner should terminate.
            // In some cases, you may not be able to listen to SIGKILL
            // (e.g. running under a non-privileged user in supervisord)
    'cron' => [
        'jobs' => [
            /* Job definitions.
             * These are each arrays, and can have a named index or not.
             * Each has the following structure:
             * [
             *     'schedule' => '* * * * *', // valid cron schedule string
             *     'task'     => '{"__type": "...", ...}' // JSON serialization of task to run
             * ]