PHP code example of philwc / dark-sky
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download philwc/dark-sky library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
philwc / dark-sky example snippets
$client = philwc\DarkSky\ClientFactory::get(
$request = \philwc\DarkSky\Entity\ForecastRequest::fromArray([
'latitude' => 53.4084,
'longitude' => 2.9916,
$weather = $client->retrieve($request);
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getSummary() . PHP_EOL; // Mostly Cloudy
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getIcon()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // partly-cloudy-day
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toFloat() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71 °F
$log = new Monolog\Logger('test');
$log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler());
$client = philwc\DarkSky\ClientFactory::get(
new Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool(),
new philwc\DarkSky\ClientAdapter\GuzzleAdapter()
$request = \philwc\DarkSky\Entity\ForecastRequest::fromArray([
'latitude' => 53.4084,
'longitude' => 2.9916,
'parameters' => ['lang' => 'en', 'units' => 'si']
$weather = $client->retrieve($request);
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getSummary() . PHP_EOL; // Mostly Cloudy
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getIcon()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // partly-cloudy-day
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toFloat() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71 °C
// This second call will now be retrieved from the cache
$weather = $client->simpleRetrieve(53.4808, 2.2426, ['units'=>'si', 'lang' => 'en']);
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getSummary() . PHP_EOL; // Mostly Cloudy
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getIcon()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // partly-cloudy-day
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toFloat() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toString() . PHP_EOL; // 17.71 °C
$client = philwc\DarkSky\ClientFactory::get(
new Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool()
$request = \philwc\DarkSky\Entity\ForecastRequest::fromArray([
'latitude' => 53.4084,
'longitude' => 2.9916,
$weather = $client->retrieve($request);
// This second call will now be cached for 120s
$weather = $client->retrieve($request);
$client = philwc\DarkSky\ClientFactory::get(
new Cache\Adapter\PHPArray\ArrayCachePool(),
new philwc\DarkSky\ClientAdapter\SimpleAdapter()
$requestCollection = new \philwc\DarkSky\EntityCollection\RequestCollection();
$manchesterRequest = \philwc\DarkSky\Entity\ForecastRequest::fromArray([
'latitude' => 53.4808,
'longitude' => 2.2426,
'parameters' => ['lang' => 'en', 'units' => 'si']
$liverpoolRequest = \philwc\DarkSky\Entity\ForecastRequest::fromArray([
'latitude' => 53.4084,
'longitude' => 2.9916,
'parameters' => ['lang' => 'en', 'units' => 'si']
$weatherCollection = $client->retrieve($requestCollection);
foreach ($weatherCollection as $weather) {
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getSummary() . PHP_EOL;
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getIcon()->toString() . PHP_EOL;
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toFloat() . PHP_EOL;
echo $weather->getCurrently()->getTemperature()->toString() . PHP_EOL;