PHP code example of phicorp / cipher

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phicorp/cipher library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phicorp / cipher example snippets

$key = Cipher::AESKEY();
$iv = Cipher::AESIV();

$plaintext = 'Hello World!';

$ciphertext = encrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv);

$decryptedText = decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv);

echo "Original: $plaintext\n";
echo "Encrypted: $ciphertext\n";
echo "Decrypted: $decryptedText\n";

$key = Cipher::AESKEY();
$iv = Cipher::AESIV();

$plaintext = 'Hello World!';

$ciphertext = Cipher::AES()->key($key)->iv($iv)->encrypt($plaintext);

$decryptedText = Cipher::AES()->key($key)->iv($iv)->decrypt($ciphertext);

echo "Original: $plaintext\n";
echo "Encrypted: $ciphertext\n";
echo "Decrypted: $decryptedText\n";

$key = Cipher::AESKEY("AES-256-GCM");
$iv = Cipher::AESIV();
$tag = null;

$plaintext = 'Hello World!';

$ciphertext = Cipher::AES('GCM')->key($key)->iv($iv)->encrypt($plaintext, 0, $tag);

$decryptedText = Cipher::AES('GCM')->key($key)->iv($iv)->decrypt($ciphertext, 0, $tag);

echo "Original: $plaintext\n";
echo "Encrypted: $ciphertext\n";
echo "Decrypted: $decryptedText\n";

[$publicKey, $privateKey] = Cipher::RSAKEY();

$plaintext = 'hello world!';

$ciphertext = RSA($publicKey, $privateKey)->encryptPublic($plaintext);
$decryptedText = RSA($publicKey, $privateKey)->decryptPrivate($ciphertext);

echo "Original: $plaintext\n";
echo "Encrypted: $ciphertext\n";
echo "Decrypted: $decryptedText\n";

// You can also use it in this way

[$publicKey, $privateKey] = Cipher::RSAKEY();

$plaintext = 'hello world!';

$ciphertext = Cipher::RSA()->privateKey($privateKey)->encryptPrivate($plaintext);
$decryptedText = RSA()->publicKey($publicKey)->decryptPublic($ciphertext);

echo "Original: $plaintext\n";
echo "Encrypted: $ciphertext\n";
echo "Decrypted: $decryptedText\n";

sha512('Hello World!');
//output: 861844d6704e...
sha256('Hello World!');
//output: 7f83b1657ff1...

$hash = bcrypt('password', 15);

var_dump(bcrypt_verify('password', $hash));
// output: true