PHP code example of phelix / flutterwave

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phelix/flutterwave library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phelix / flutterwave example snippets


    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Account;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;

    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $account = new Account($flutterwave);
        //1. Get balances for all accounts
        $balances = $account->getAllBalances();
        // 2. Get balance for a specific account (identified by currency)
        $kes_account_balance = $account->getAccountBalance("KES");

    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here


    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\OTP;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;

    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $otp = new OTP($flutterwave);
        //1. Use this to generate and send an OTP to a customer
        $otp_response = $otp->createOTP("Joehn Doe","[email protected]" ,"0112345678", "JP Enterprises", 5, ['whatsapp', 'sms'], 60, true);
        // 2. Use this to verify/validate an OTP
        $otp_val = $otp->validateOTP("otp_reference", 12345);

    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here


    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\PaymentPlan;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;

    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $plan = new PaymentPlan($flutterwave);
        //1. Use this to create a plan. (This creates a plan named "Test Plan" for KES 1000 to be deducted monthly for 12 months
        $response = $plan->createPlan("KES", "Test Plan", 1000, "monthly", 12);
        // 2. Use this to list all your plans
        $plans = $plan->getPlans();
        // 3. Use this to get a specific plan
        $plan = $plan->getOnePlan(1);
        // 4. Use this to update name of a plan
        $update = $plan->updatePlan(1, "New Name");
        // 5. Use this to cancel a plan
        $cancelled = $plan->cancelPlan(1);
    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here


    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Settlement;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;

    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $settlement = new Settlement($flutterwave);
        //1. Use this to get the list of all settlements
        $response = $settlement->getSettlements();
        // 2. Use this to get one settlement
        $response = $settlement->getOneSettlement(1);
    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here

    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Standard;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;

    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $standard = new Standard($flutterwave);
        //1. Use this to initiate a one time payment
        $response = $standard
                    ->setCustomizations("JP Enterprises", "Subsidiary of JP Holdings", "")
                    ->setCustomer("Jane Doe", "[email protected]", "+254701234456")
                    ->setMetaData(["category_id" => 1, 'transaction_type' => "payment_for_doedom"])
                    ->payViaCard() // Use this to pay via card. To use other payment options, check docs for all the other options
        // 2. Use this to initiate a recurrent payment (ie user is subscribed to a payment plan)
        $response = $standard
                    ->setCustomizations("JP Enterprises", "Subsidiary of JP Holdings", "")
                    ->setCustomer("Jane Doe", "[email protected]", "+254701234456")
                    ->setMetaData(["category_id" => 1, 'transaction_type' => "payment_for_doedom"])
                    ->setPaymentPlan(8021) // this is where we set the payment plan id
                    ->payViaCard() // Use this to pay via card. To use other payment options, check docs for all the other options
         * After a transaction is initiated above, you get a link that you are supposed to redirect the user to. 
         * Redirect the user to the link where they will do the payments afterwhich Flutterwave redirects them to your redirect url set above
         * Sample redirect from Flutterwave looks like:
         * Check section below on how to handle and complete transaction in the IPN page.   
    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here

    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Verification;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;
    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $verification = new Verification($flutterwave);
        // Your IPN will have query parameters added by Flutterwave. An example is as shown:
        // At this stage, you must verify the transaction before confirming that it is successful. Don't just assume it is successful
        // due to the status parameter in the url
        $transactionId = sanitize($_GET['transaction_id']); // sanitize() is an arbitrary function. Use your implementation
        $transactionReference = sanitize($_GET['tx_ref']); // sanitize() is an arbitrary function. Use your implementation
         // Get the transaction you had initiated by doing a query to your database. getTransaction() is an arbitrary function. 
        $transaction = getTransaction($transactionReference);
        if ($transaction) {
            $response = $verification->verify($transactionId, $transactionReference, $transaction['currency'], $transaction['amount']);
            // Response is an array of the format $response = ['verified' => true|false,'message' => "response message", 'data'=> <response data>];
            if ($response['verified'] !== false) {
                // Verified transaction. Update transaction as successful
            } else {
                // Transaction not verified. Get actual status from $response['data']['status']. Check Flutterwave docs for more details.
        } else {
            // transaction does not exist. Possibly a modified IPN. Log the attempt.
    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here

    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Flutterwave;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Subscription;
    use Phelix\Flutterwave\Exceptions\FlutterwaveException;
    try {
        // We initialize Flutterwave. Only the secret key is compulsory. The rest are optional.

        $subscription = new Subscription($flutterwave);
        // 1. Use this to get subscriptions
        $response = $subscription->getSubscriptions();
        // 2. Use this to get subscriptions for a plan. Check docs for the other parameters eg pagination
        $response = $subscription->getPlanSubscriptions(1020);
        // 3. Use this to get a user's plan subscription. Check docs for the other parameters eg pagination
        $response = $subscription->getUserPlanSubscriptions(8021, "[email protected]");
        // 4. Get all subscriptions for a user. Check docs for the other parameters eg pagination
        $response = $subscription->getUserSubscriptions("[email protected]");
        // 5. Get a specific subscription
        $response = $subscription->getOneSubscription(1);
        // 6. Cancel a subscription
        $response = $subscription->cancelSubscription(1);
        // 7. Activate a subscription
        $response = $subscription->activateSubscription(1);
    } catch (FlutterwaveException $exception) {
        print $exception->getMessage();
        // log and/or handle exceptions here

    $response = [
        "success" => true|false,
        "message" => "",
        "data" => []

    $response = [
        "status" => 'success',
        "message" => "",
        "data" => [],
        "meta  => [
            "page_info" => [
                "total" => 44,
                "current_page" => 1,
                "total_pages" => 5