PHP code example of phariscope / safephp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download phariscope/safephp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


phariscope / safephp example snippets

use function SafePHP\boolval;
use function SafePHP\floatval;
use function SafePHP\intval;
use function SafePHP\strval;

use function SafePHP\hash_file;

use function SafePHP\getenv;
use function SafePHP\getenvOrWithENV;

$value = boolval(1); // return true
$value = floatval("123.456"); // return 123.456
$value = intval("123"); // return 123
$value = strval(1); // return "1"

$value = hash_file("md2", $filename); // return a string like "080bf15137e26254e9cd8870b68aec86"

$value = getenv('PWD'); // return string of current PWD
$value = getenv(); // return array of all getenv (be carreful some $_ENV may hav been forgotten) 

$value = getenvOrWithENV('PWD'); // return string of current PWD even if it is in $_ENV only