PHP code example of pfazzi / simplex-mapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pfazzi/simplex-mapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pfazzi / simplex-mapper example snippets

$dbData = [
    'username' => 'pfazzi',
    'emailAddress' => '[email protected]',
    'isEnabled' => '1',

$mapper = new \Pfazzi\SimplexMapper\Mapper();

$user = $mapper->map(
    source: $dbData, 
    target: User::class, 

$mapper = new \Pfazzi\SimplexMapper\Mapper();

// From Array 

$userEntity = $mapper->map(source: ['name' => 'patrick'], target: UserEntity::class);

// From stdClass 

$rawData = new \stdClass();
$rawData->name = 'Patrick';

$userEntity = $mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: UserEntity::class);

// From anonymous class

$rawData = new class {
    public function __construct(private string $name = 'Patrick') {}

$userEntity = $mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: UserEntity::class);

// From object

$rawData = new UserDto('Patrick');

$userEntity = $mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: UserEntity::class);

$mapper = new \Pfazzi\SimplexMapper\Mapper();

$userEntity = $entityManager->find(UserEntity::class, 1);

// From Array 

$mapper->hydrate(source: ['name' => 'patrick'], target: $userEntity);

// From stdClass 

$rawData = new \stdClass();
$rawData->name = 'Patrick';

$mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: $userEntity);

// From anonymous class

$rawData = new class {
    public function __construct(private string $name = 'Patrick') {}

$mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: $userEntity);

// From object

$rawData = new UserDto('Patrick');

$mapper->map(source: $rawData, target: $userEntity);

class Supplier
    public function __construct(
        public int $id,
        public string $taxId,
        public bool $onConsignment,
    ) {

$result = $connection->executeQuery(<<<'SQL'
        supplier.tax_id AS taxId,
        supplier.is_enabled AS isEnabled
    FROM supplier
    WHERE supplier.tax_id = :taxId
SQL, ['taxId' => $taxId]);

$data = $result->fetchAssociative();

$readModel = new Supplier(
    (int) $data['id'],
    '1' == $data['isEnabled'],

$readModel = $this->mapper->map($data, Supplier::class);