PHP code example of perf / enumeration

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download perf/enumeration library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


perf / enumeration example snippets

use perf\Enumeration\Collection;

$array = array(

$collection = Collection::createMutable($array);

if ($collection->contains('bar')) { // true
	// ...

if ($collection->isEmpty()) { // false
	// ...

$size = $collection->getSize(); // 3

if ($collection->has(1)) { // true
	$value = $collection->get(1); // 'bar'

	// ...

$firstValue = $collection->first(); // 'foo'

$lastValue = $collection->last(); // 'baz'

use perf\Enumeration\Collection;

$array = array(

$collection = Collection::createImmutable($array);

foreach ($collection as $pair) {
	$pair->key();   // 0,     1,     2
	$pair->value(); // 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
	$pair->index(); // 0,     1,     2
	$pair->rank();  // 1,     2,     3
	$pair->odd();   // true,  false, true
	$pair->even();  // false, true,  false
	$pair->first(); // true,  false, false
	$pair->last();  // false, false, true

use perf\Enumeration\Map;

$array = array(
	'foo' => 123,
	'bar' => 234,
	'baz' => 345,

$map = Map::createMutable($array);

if ($map->contains(123)) { // true
	// ...

if ($map->isEmpty()) { // false
	// ...

$size = $map->getSize(); // 3

if ($map->has('foo')) { // true
	$value = $map->get('foo'); // 123

	// ...

use perf\Enumeration\Map;

$array = array(
	'foo' => 123,
	'bar' => 234,
	'baz' => 345,

$map = Map::createImmutable($array);

foreach ($map as $pair) {
	$pair->key();   // 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
	$pair->value(); // 123,   234,   345
	$pair->index(); // 0,     1,     2
	$pair->rank();  // 1,     2,     3
	$pair->odd();   // true,  false, true
	$pair->even();  // false, true,  false
	$pair->first(); // true,  false, false
	$pair->last();  // false, false, true