PHP code example of pelock / yii2-imgopt
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pelock/yii2-imgopt library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
pelock / yii2-imgopt example snippets
<?= \PELock\ImgOpt\ImgOpt::widget(["src" => "/images/product/extra.png", "alt" => "Extra product" ])
<?= \PELock\ImgOpt\ImgOpt::widget(["src" => "/images/product/extra.png", "loading" => "lazy" ])
<?= \PELock\ImgOpt\ImgOpt::widget(["src" => "/images/product/extra.png", "alt" => "Extra product", "disable" => true ])
<?= \PELock\ImgOpt\ImgOpt::widget(["src" => "/images/product/extra.png", "alt" => "Extra product", "recreate" => true ])
* @var bool set to TRUE to recreate *ALL* of the WebP and AVIF files again (optional)
const RECREATE_ALL = false;
* @var bool set to TRUE to recreate *ALL* of the WebP files again (optional)
const RECREATE_ALL = true;
<?= \PELock\ImgOpt\ImgOpt::widget(["lightbox_data" => "image-1", "lightbox_src" => "/images/sunset.jpg", "src" => "/images/sunset-thumbnail.jpg", "alt" => "Sunset" ])
php composer.phar