PHP code example of pelmered / laravel-http-client-auth-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pelmered/laravel-http-client-auth-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pelmered / laravel-http-client-auth-helper example snippets

$response = Http::withRefreshToken(

$response = Http::withRefreshToken(
    'scopes' => [],
    'expires' => 'expires_in', // When token should be considered expired. A string key in the response JSON for the expiration. We try to parse different formats and then remove 1 minute to be on the safe side.
    'auth_type' => 'body', // 'body' or 'header'
    'access_token' => 'access_token', // Key for the access token in the response JSON

use Pelmered\LaravelHttpOAuthHelper\AccessToken;
use Pelmered\LaravelHttpOAuthHelper\Credentials;
use Pelmered\LaravelHttpOAuthHelper\Options;
use Pelmered\LaravelHttpOAuthHelper\RefreshToken;

$response = Http::withRefreshToken(
  new Credentials(
    clientId: 'client_id',
    clientSecret: 'client_secret',
  new Options(
    scopes: ['scope1', 'scope2'],
    expires: 3600,
    grantType: 'password_credentials',
    authType: Credentials::AUTH_TYPE_BODY,
    tokenType: AccessToken::TOKEN_TYPE_BEARER,

$response = Http::withRefreshToken(
    'expires' => fn($response) => $response->json()['expires_in'] - 300, // Should return the ttl in seconds that has been parsed from the response and can be manipulated as you want.
    'access_token' => fn($response) => $response->access_token, // Should return the access token that has been parsed from the response.

use Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest;

$response = Http::withRefreshToken(
    'expires' => fn($response) => $response->json()['expires_in'] - 300, // Should return the ttl in seconds that has been parsed from the response and can be manipulated as you want.
    'access_token' => fn($response) => $response->access_token, // Should return the access token that has been parsed from the response.
    'auth_type' => 'custom',
    'apply_auth_token' => fn(PendingRequest $httpClient) => $request->withHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $token),

$this->client = Http::withRefreshToken(
    'scopes' => ['read:posts', 'write:posts', 'read:comments'],



$this->client->post('posts', [
  'title' => 'My post',
  'content' => 'My content',

$this->app->singleton('my-oauth-client', function ($app) {
  return Http::withRefreshToken(
      'scopes' => ['read:posts', 'write:posts', 'read:comments'],
