PHP code example of pchouse / php-attributes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pchouse/php-attributes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pchouse / php-attributes example snippets

/** @noinspection ALL */

namespace PChouse\Resources;

use PChouse\Attributes\Db\Column;
use PChouse\Attributes\Db\Table;
use PChouse\Attributes\Db\Types;
use PChouse\Attributes\HTML\Element;
use PChouse\Attributes\HTML\Form;
use PChouse\Attributes\HTML\InputType;
use PChouse\Attributes\HTML\Option;
use PChouse\Attributes\HTML\Tag;
use Rebelo\Date\Date;
use Rebelo\Decimal\Decimal;

#[Form(novalidate: true)]
#[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::HIDDEN, name: "hidden1")]
#[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::HIDDEN, name: "hidden2")]
#[Element(tag: Tag::SELECT, name: "select1")]
#[Option(value: "", text: "Select", selected: false)]
#[Option(value: "1", text: "Option1", selected: true)]
class MyClass
    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::TEXT, position: 9)]
    private string $columnString;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::NUMBER, position: 7)]
    private int $columnInt;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::RADIO, id: "my_class_column_float_1")]
    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::RADIO, id: "my_class_column_float_2")]
    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::RADIO, id: "my_class_column_float_3")]
    private float $columnFloat;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::CHECKBOX,)]
    private bool $columnBool;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::CHECKBOX,)]
    private Date $columnDate;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::SELECT, name: "select2")]
    #[Option(value: "", text: "Select")]
    #[Option(value: "9", text: "Option with 9")]
    #[Option(value: "99", text: "Option with 999")]
    private Decimal $columnDecimal;

    #[Element(tag: Tag::INPUT, type: InputType::TEXT, position: 1)]
    private ?string $columnStringNull;


namespace PChouse\Resources;

use PChouse\Attributes\Db\TypeMap;
use PChouse\Attributes\Db\Types;
use Rebelo\Date\Date;
use Rebelo\Decimal\Decimal;

class MyTypeMap extends TypeMap
    public function dbTypeFor(string $propertyType): ?Types
        return match ($propertyType) {
            Decimal::class => Types::DB_DECIMAL,
            Date::class    => Types::DB_DATE,
            default        => parent::dbTypeFor($propertyType)

$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(MyClass::class);
$myTypeMap       = new MyTypeMap();
$table           = Table::parse($reflectionClass); // Table
$columns         = Column::parse($reflectionClass, $myTypeMap); // array<string, Column>

$form = Form::parse(new \ReflectionClass(MyClass::class));
if($form instanceof \PChouse\Attributes\HTML\Form)){
    // Set other properties

$array = $form->toStackArray(); // The returned array can be used with twig macros
