PHP code example of paysys / cardpay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paysys/cardpay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paysys / cardpay example snippets

class OrderPresenter extends Presenter
	/** @var \PaySys\PaySys\IButtonFactory @inject */
	public $cardPayButtonFactory;

	/** @var \PaySys\CardPay\Security\Request @inject */
	public $cardPayRequest;

	protected function createComponentCardPayButton()
		$payment = new \PaySys\CardPay\Payment("12.34", "00456", "John Doe");
		$button = $this->cardPayButtonFactory->create($payment);
		$button->onPayRequest[] = function ($payment) {
		return $button;

class OrderPresenter extends Presenter
	/** @var Nette\Http\IRequest @inject */
	public $httpRequest;

	/** @var \PaySys\CardPay\Security\Response @inject */
	public $bankResponse;

	public function actionProcessCardPay()
		try {
			// store info about payment
			$this->flashMessage('Thanks for payment.', 'success');
		} catch (\PaySys\PaySys\Exception $e) {
			// log
			$this->flashMessage('Payment failed. Please try it later.', 'danger');

class \PaySys\PaySys\Exception extends \Exception {}
class \PaySys\PaySys\SignatureException extends \PaySys\PaySys\Exception {}
class \PaySys\PaySys\ServerException extends \PaySys\PaySys\Exception {}
class \PaySys\PaySys\InvalidArgumentException extends \PaySys\PaySys\Exception {}
class \PaySys\PaySys\ConfigurationException extends \PaySys\PaySys\Exception {}