PHP code example of paysera / lib-pagination

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paysera/lib-pagination library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paysera / lib-pagination example snippets

use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\Doctrine\ConfiguredQuery;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\ResultProvider;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\CursorBuilder;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\QueryAnalyser;
use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\OrderingConfiguration;
use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\Pager;
use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\OrderingPair;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

$resultProvider = new ResultProvider(
    new QueryAnalyser(),
    new CursorBuilder(PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor())

/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder()
    ->from('Bundle:MyEntity', 'm')
    ->andWhere('m.field = :param')
    ->setParameter('param', 'some value')

$configuredQuery = (new ConfiguredQuery($queryBuilder))
        (new OrderingConfiguration('m.field', 'field'))->setOrderAscending(true)
    ->addOrderingConfiguration('my_other_name', new OrderingConfiguration('m.otherField', 'otherField'))
    ->setTotalCountNeeded(true) // total count will be returned only if this is called
    ->setMaximumOffset(100) // you can optionally limit maximum offset
    ->setItemTransformer(function ($item) {
        // return transformed item if needed

$pager = (new Pager())
    ->setOffset(123)    // set only one of offset, after or before
    ->setAfter('Cursor from Result::getNextCursor')
    ->setBefore('Cursor from Result::getPreviousCursor')
    ->addOrderBy(new OrderingPair('my_field_name')) // order by default direction (asc in this case)
    ->addOrderBy(new OrderingPair('my_other_name', true)) // or set direction here
$result = $resultProvider->getResultForQuery($configuredQuery, $pager);

$result->getItems(); // items in the page
$result->getNextCursor(); // value to pass with setAfter for next page
$result->getPreviousCursor(); // value to pass with setBefore for previous page
$result->getTotalCount(); // available only if setTotalCountNeeded(true) was called

$totalCount = $resultProvider->getTotalCountForQuery($configuredQuery); // calculate total count directly

use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\Doctrine\ConfiguredQuery;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\ResultIterator;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\CursorBuilder;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\QueryAnalyser;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\ResultProvider;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;

/** @var ConfiguredQuery $configuredQuery */

$resultIterator = new ResultIterator(
    new ResultProvider(
        new QueryAnalyser(),
        new CursorBuilder(PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor())
    new NullLogger(),
    $defaultLimit = 1000

foreach ($this->resultIterator->iterate($configuredQuery) as $item) {
    // process $item where flush is not needed
    // for example, send ID or other data to working queue, process files etc.

use Paysera\Pagination\Entity\Doctrine\ConfiguredQuery;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\FlushingResultIterator;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\CursorBuilder;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\QueryAnalyser;
use Paysera\Pagination\Service\Doctrine\ResultProvider;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess;
use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

/** @var ConfiguredQuery $configuredQuery */
/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */

$resultIterator = new FlushingResultIterator(
    new ResultProvider(
        new QueryAnalyser(),
        new CursorBuilder(PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor())
    new NullLogger(),
    $defaultLimit = 1000,

foreach ($this->resultIterator->iterate($configuredQuery) as $item) {
    // process $item or other entities where flush will be called after each page
    // for example:
    // keep in mind, that clear is also called – don't reuse other Entities outside of foreach cycle

echo "Updated successfully";
// no need to flush here anymore

$lastCursor = '"123"'; // get from logs
$startPager = (new Pager())
    ->setLimit(500) // can also override default limit
foreach ($this->resultIterator->iterate($configuredQuery, $startPager) as $item) {
    // process $item
FROM items
WHERE field = 'some value'
AND created_at <= '2018-01-01 00:01:02' AND id < 12345
ORDER BY created_at DESC, id DESC