PHP code example of pay-now / omnipay-paynow

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pay-now/omnipay-paynow library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


pay-now / omnipay-paynow example snippets

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('Paynow');

$buyer = [
    'email' => '[email protected]', 
    'firstName' => 'Jan', 
    'lastName' => 'Nowak', 
    'phone' => [
        'number' => '123123123', 
        'prefix' => '+48'
    'locale'=> 'en-EN'

$items[] = [
    'name' => 'itemName', 
    'quantity' => '12', 
    'category' => 'toys', 
    'price' => '123'

$paymentData = [
    'amount' => '10000', 
    'description' => 'PLN', 
    'returnUrl' => '', 
    'transactionId' => '123',   
    'buyer' => $buyer, 
    'items' => $items

try {
    $response = $gateway->purchase($paymentData)->send();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // catch errors

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('Paynow');

try {
    $response = $gateway->acceptNotification();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request', true, 400);

header('HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted', true, 202);

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('Paynow');

$refundData = [
    'amount' => '1000000', 
    'transactionReference' => 'NOW8-CK5-C3E-ZDM', 
    'reason' => 'RMA'

try {
    $response = $gateway->refund($refundData)->send();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // catch errors

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('Paynow');

$requestData = [
    'currency'=> 'PLN'

try {
    $response = $gateway->fetchPaymentMethods($requestData)->send();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // catch errors