PHP code example of paulo-hortelan / requests-graph-pulse

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paulo-hortelan/requests-graph-pulse library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paulo-hortelan / requests-graph-pulse example snippets

<livewire:requests-graph cols="6" />

return [
    // ...

    'recorders' => [
        // Existing recorders...

        \PauloHortelan\RequestsGraphPulse\Recorders\RequestsGraphRecorder::class => [
            'enabled' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_ENABLED', true),
            'sample_rate' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_SAMPLE_RATE', 1),
            'record_informational' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_RECORD_INFORMATIONAL', false),
            'record_successful' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_RECORD_SUCCESSFUL', true),
            'record_redirection' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_RECORD_REDIRECTION', false),
            'record_client_error' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_RECORD_CLIENT_ERROR', true),
            'record_server_error' => env('PULSE_REQUESTS_GRAPH_RECORD_SERVER_ERROR', true),
            'ignore' => [
                '#^/pulse$#', // Pulse dashboard...
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pulse-dashboard