1. Go to this page and download the library: Download patrick-barreto/data-base library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
patrick-barreto / data-base example snippets
class Users extends DataBaseCorrespondence {
private static string $table = 'users';
public static function getTable(){
return self::$table;
public function getProperty($property){
return $this->$property;
class UserRepository extends Repository{
public function findUsers() {
return $this->select()->setFields(['id', 'name', 'email', 'phone'])
->fetchObject(false, $this->getDtoPath());
//Using in Controller for exemple
class Users {
use UserRepository;
use Users;
public function findUsers() {
//This will be and instance of UserRepository, class responsable to provide methods of User Object.
$usersRepository = new UserRepository(new Users);
//This will return an instance of Users.
$users = $usersRepository->findUsers();
namespace Your\NameSpace
use DataBase\Crud;
$homens = new Crud('homens');
$mulheres = new Crud('mulheres');
$animais = new Crud('animais');
$mulheres->select->setFields(['homens.name as homemName, mulheres.name as mulherName'])
->setInnerJoin(['table' => 'homens'], ['table' => 'mulheres'] )
->setWhere('homens.name = "João"');
namespace Your\NameSpace
use DataBase\Actions\DML\Commands\Select;
$select = new Select;
$select->setWhereIn('nome', ['pedro', 'joão', 'josé']);
namespace Your\NameSpace
use DataBase\Query;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM teste";
$query = new Query;
$result = $query->runQuery($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function getTableName()
public function setTable(string $tableName)
public function setWhere(string $condition)
public function setWhereIn(string $column, array $options)
public function setInnerJoin(array $joinedTable, array $newTableJoin)
public function setRightJoin(array $joinedTable, array $newTableJoin)
public function setLeftJoin(array $joinedTable, array $newTableJoin)
public function setFullJoin(array $newTableJoin)
public function setCrossJoin(array $newTableJoin)
public function setDistinct(bool $requiereDistinct)
public function setFields(array $fields)
public function setLimit(int $limit, int $offset = 0)
public function setOrder(string $fields, string $order = "ASC")
public function setGroupBy(array $fields)
public function setHaving(string $condition)
public function buildQuery(bool $subquery = false)
public function fetchAssoc(bool $returnAll = false)
public function fetchObject(bool $returnAll = false, string $class = stdClass::class)
public function setIgnore(bool $requiereIgnore)
public function setFields(array $fields)
public function setValues(array $values)
public function setInsertSelect(string $query)
public function buildQuery()
public function runQuery()
public function setSet(array $columnValue)
public function buildQuery()
public function runQuery()
public function buildQuery()
public function runQuery()
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