PHP code example of paragonie / ristretto

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paragonie/ristretto library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paragonie / ristretto example snippets

use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement, ScalarValue};

$aliceSecret = ScalarValue::random();
$alicePublic = $aliceSecret->multBase();
$bobSecret = ScalarValue::random();
$bobPublic = $bobSecret->multBase();

// You can perform a similar commutative group action
$aliceToBob = $aliceSecret->scalarPointMultiply($bobPublic);
$bobToAlice = $bobSecret->scalarPointMultiply($alicePublic);
var_dump($aliceToBob->equals($bobToAlice)); // bool(true)

use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement};

$x = GroupElement::random();
$y = GroupElement::random();

$z = $x->add($y);
$w = $z->sub($y);
var_dump($w->equals($x)); // bool(true)

use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement};

// -------- First party -------- Send blinded p(x)
$x = random_bytes(64);

// Compute px = p(x), a group element derived from x
$px = GroupElement::fromHash($x);

// Compute a = p(x) * g^r
$r = ScalarValue::random();
$gr = $r->multBase();
$a = $px->add($gr);

// -------- Second party -------- Send g^k and a^k
$k = ScalarValue::random();

// Compute v = g^k
$v = $k->multBase();

// Compute b = a^k
$b = $k->scalarPointMultiply($a);

// -------- First party -------- Unblind f(x)
// Compute vir = v^(-r)
$ir = $r->negate();
$vir = $v->scalarPointMultiply($ir);

// Compute f(x) = b * v^(-r) = (p(x) * g^r)^k * (g^k)^(-r)
//              = (p(x) * g)^k * g^(-k) = p(x)^k
$fx = $b->add($vir);

// --------- Correctness testing -----------
// If you knew both p(x) and k, you could calculate it directly.

// Directly calculate p(x)^k with both parties' secrets
$pxk = $px->scalarPointMultiply($k);
var_dump($fx->equals($pxk)); // bool(true)