PHP code example of paragonie / easy-ecc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paragonie/easy-ecc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paragonie / easy-ecc example snippets

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;

// Generate an instance; defaults to Curve25519
$ecc = new EasyECC();

// Get a keypair
$alice_sk = $ecc->generatePrivateKey();
$alice_pk = $alice_sk->getPublicKey();

// Signing a message (with PEM-formatted signatures):
$message = 'This is extremely simple to use correctly.';
$signature = $ecc->sign($message, $alice_sk);

if (!$ecc->verify($message, $alice_pk, $signature)) {
    throw new Exception('Signature validation failed');

// Let's do a key exchange:
$bob_sk = $ecc->generatePrivateKey();
$bob_pk = $alice_sk->getPublicKey();

$alice_to_bob = $ecc->keyExchange($alice_sk, $bob_pk, true);
$bob_to_alice = $ecc->keyExchange($bob_sk, $alice_pk, false);

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;

$ecc = new EasyECC('K256');

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;

$ecc = new EasyECC('P256');

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;

$ecc = new EasyECC('P384');

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;

$ecc = new EasyECC('P521');

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;
use ParagonIE\EasyECC\ECDSA\{PublicKey, SecretKey};

// Generate an instance
$ecc = new EasyECC('P256');

// Get a keypair
/** @var SecretKey $alice_sk */
$alice_sk = $ecc->generatePrivateKey();
/** @var PublicKey $alice_pk */
$alice_pk = $alice_sk->getPublicKey();

// Serialize as PEM (for OpenSSL compatibility):
$alice_sk_pem = $alice_sk->exportPem();
$alice_pk_pem = $alice_pk->exportPem();

// Serialize public key as compressed point (for brevity):
$alice_pk_cpt = $alice_pk->toString();

$message = 'This is extremely simple to use correctly.';
// Signing a message (with IEEE-P1363-formatted signatures):
$signature = $ecc->sign($message, $alice_sk, true);
if (!$ecc->verify($message, $alice_pk, $signature, true)) {
    throw new Exception('Signature validation failed');

// Let's do a key exchange:
$bob_sk = $ecc->generatePrivateKey();
$bob_pk = $alice_sk->getPublicKey();

$alice_to_bob = $ecc->keyExchange($alice_sk, $bob_pk, true);
$bob_to_alice = $ecc->keyExchange($bob_sk, $alice_pk, false);

use ParagonIE\EasyECC\EasyECC;
use ParagonIE\EasyECC\Integration\Defuse;
use Mdanter\Ecc\Crypto\Key\{

 * @var EasyECC $ecc
 * @var PrivateKeyInterface $secretKey
 * @var PublicKeyInterface $publicKey

// Let's load the integration (inject your EasyECC instance):
$defuse = new Defuse($ecc);

// You can seal/unseal messages (anonymous public-key encryption):
$superSecret = 'This is a secret message';
$sealed = $defuse->seal($superSecret, $publicKey);
$opened = $defuse->unseal($sealed, $secretKey);

// Or you can encrypt between two keypairs:
$otherSecret = $ecc->generatePrivateKey();
$otherPublic = $otherSecret->getPublicKey();
$encrypted = $defuse->asymmetricEncrypt($superSecret, $secretKey, $otherPublic);
$decrypted = $defuse->asymmetricDecrypt($encrypted, $otherSecret, $publicKey);