PHP code example of paparascaldev / sidekick

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download paparascaldev/sidekick library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


paparascaldev / sidekick example snippets

$sidekick = new SidekickConversation();

$conversation = $sidekick->begin(
    driver: new OpenAi(),
    model: 'gtp-3.5-turbo',
    systemPrompt: 'You can instruct the chatbot using this parameter'

$response = $conversation->sendMessage($user_input);

return response()->json($response);

$sidekick = new SidekickConversation();

$conversation = $sidekick->resume(
    conversationId: $conversation_id

$response = $conversation->sendMessage($user_input);

return response()->json($response);

public function index() {
    // List Conversations
    $sidekick = new SidekickChatManager();
    return $sidekick->showAll();

public function show(Conversation $conversation) {
    // show Conversation
    $sidekick = new SidekickManager();

public function delete(Conversation $conversation) {
    // Delete Conversation
    $sidekick = new SidekickManager();
    return $sidekick->delete($conversation);

$sidekick = Sidekick::create(new OpenAi());

return $sidekick->complete()->sendMessage(
    model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
    systemPrompt: 'You an expert on fudge, answer user questions about fudge.',
    message:"How is fudge made?"

$sidekick = Sidekick::create(new Mistral());

return $sidekick->embedding()->make(
    model: 'mistral-embed',
    input: 'This is sample content to embed'

 $sidekick = Sidekick::create(new OpenAi());
$image =  $sidekick->image()->make(
    prompt: $request->get('text_to_convert'),

// This is just a basic example of printing to screen.
// In a real world situation you may save it and then render out.
return "<img src='{$image['data'][0]['url']}' />";

$sidekick = Sidekick::create(new OpenAi());

$audio = $sidekick->audio()->fromText(
    model: 'tts-1',
    text: 'Have a nice day!'

// This is just a basic example of streaming it to the browser.
// In a real world situation you may save it and then reference the file
// instead.
header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg');
echo $audio

$sidekick = Sidekick::create(new OpenAi());

return $sidekick->transcribe()->audioFile(
    model: 'whisper-1',
    filePath: ''

$sidekick = Sidekick::create(new OpenAi());

return $sidekick->moderate()->text(
    model: 'text-moderation-latest',
    content: 'Have a great day.',
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    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=routes