PHP code example of padosoft / support

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download padosoft/support library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


padosoft / support example snippets


 *  constans
echo 'directory separator is: '.DS;

 *  validation helpers

//check iso date
if( !isDateIso("") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("2016-08-18") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("2016-18-08") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("0000-00-00") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("00-00-00") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("16-08-18") )  echo 'invalid.';
if( !isDateIso("2016-02-38") )  echo 'invalid.';

//check italian Fiscal Code
if( !isCf("") )  throw new Exception();
if( !isCf("abcdefghijklmnoz") )  throw new Exception();
if( !isCf("xxxxxx12c34x567o") )  throw new Exception();

//check italian VAT (Partita iva)
if( !isPiva("") )  throw new Exception();
if( !isCf("00000000000") )  throw new Exception();
if( !isCf("02361141209") )  throw new Exception();
if( !isCf("00000000001") )  throw new Exception();

//check integer value
if( !isInteger(1561) )  throw new Exception();
if( !isInteger('sadasd') )  throw new Exception();

 *  datetime helpers

//sleep 2 minuti
//sleep 2h
//sleep 2min and 30seconds

//date format
echo date(DATE_FORMAT_ISO);//'Y-m-d' 
echo date(DATE_FORMAT_ITA);//'d-m-Y'
echo date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT_ISO);//'Y-m-d H:i:s'

//date conversion
echo dateIsoToIta('2016-08-18');//08/18/2016

//days and month
echo DAYS_ITA_ARR[0];//Lunedi
echo DAYS_ITA_ARR[date('w')];
echo MONTHS_ITA_ARR_1_BASED[12];//Dicembre
echo MONTHS_ITA_ARR_1_BASED[date('j')];

echo roman_year(50);//L
echo roman_year(10);//X
echo roman_year(2000);//MM
echo roman_year(2016);//MMXVI

* String
echo str_random(16);