1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pachico/markdownwriter library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
pachico / markdownwriter example snippets
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Add Header elements
->add(new El\H1('This is a H1 header.'))
->add(new El\H2('This is a H2 header.'))
->add(new El\H3('This is a H3 header.'))
->add(new El\H4('This is a H4 header.'))
->add(new El\H5('This is a H5 header.'))
->add(new El\H6('This is a H6 header.'))
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create a first paragraph with elements in its constructor
// Direct string and Text objects will be put inline
// You can also add instances of Image and Link
$paragraph1 = new El\Paragraph(
'First span of text as simple string.',
new El\Text('Second span of text as instance of Text.'),
new El\Text('Third span of text as decorated instance of Text.', El\Text::BOLD)
// Paragraphs can also be injected with content after being instantiated
$paragraph2 = new El\Paragraph();
$paragraph2->addContent('Fourth span of text added to second paragraph.');
$paragraph2->addContent(new El\Text('Fifth span of text added to second paragraph as instance of Text.'));
$paragraph2->addContent(new El\Text('Sixth span of text added to second paragraph as decorated instance of Text.'));
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create a first blockquote with elements in its constructor
// Direct string and Text objects will be put inline
// You can also add instances of Image and Link
$blockquote1 = new El\Blockquote(
'First span of text as simple string.',
new El\Text('Second span of text as instance of Text.'),
new El\Text('Third span of text as decorated instance of Text.', El\Text::BOLD)
// Blockquotes can also be injected with content after being instantiated
$blockquote2 = new El\Blockquote();
$blockquote2->addContent('Fourth span of text added to second blockquote.');
$blockquote2->addContent(new El\Text('Fifth span of text added to second blockquote as instance of Text.'));
$blockquote2->addContent(new El\Text('Sixth span of text added to second blockquote as decorated instance of Text.'));
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
$code1 = new El\Code('var code = "This is Javascript code";', El\Code::JAVASCRIPT);
$code2 = new El\Code('This is generic code');
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create diffent types of horizontal rules
$hRule1 = new El\HRule(El\HRule::ASTERISK);
$hRule2 = new El\HRule(El\HRule::DASH);
$hRule3 = new El\HRule(El\HRule::UNDERSCORE);
// Add them to the document
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create an image element
$image = new El\Image(
'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Markdown-mark.svg/208px-Markdown-mark.svg.png', // path
'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown', // link
'Markdown logo', // alt text
'Markdown logo' // title
// link, alt text and title are optional parameters
// Add it to the document
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create a link
$link = new El\Link('Markdown Writer!', 'https://github.com/pachico/markdownwriter');
// Add it to the document
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
// Create Document
$document = new Document;
// Create a list
$list = new El\Lizt;
$list->addOrderedItem('First item.')
->addOrderedItem('Second item.')
->addOrderedItem('Third item.')
->levelDown() // Go one level down/right
->addUnorderedItem('Some more.')
->addUnorderedItem('Some more again.')
->addOrderedItem('Fourth item.');
// Add it to the document
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
// Create Document
$document = new Document();
// To fetch the markdown as a string simply
$markdown = $document->toMarkdown();
// To save it somewhere we use the great FlySystem abstraction layer:
// Define file system adapter
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
// Inject it to the save method and it will be persisted
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
// Check http://flysystem.thephpleague.com/ to see the adapters list
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;
use Pachico\MarkdownWriter\Element as El;
$document = new Document();
$document->add(new El\H1('This is a simple example'))
->add(new El\Paragraph('And here is something I want to say.', 'And something more.'))
->add(new El\Code('$variable = new Foo\Bar();'))
->add(new El\Paragraph('Time to wrap up.', new El\Text('Something italic', El\Text::ITALIC)));
$paragraph = new El\Paragraph;
$paragraph->addContent(new El\Text('Some bold text', El\Text::BOLD));
$document->add(new El\H2('Some subtitle too'));
$document->add(new El\HRule(El\HRule::ASTERISK));
$adapter = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__);
$document->save($adapter, basename(__FILE__, 'php') . 'md');
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