1. Go to this page and download the library: Download pablosanches/owl library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
pablosanches / owl example snippets
// Namespace shortcut
use Owl\Method as Http;
// Template
$request = new Http\<METHOD_NAME>( string $url [, array $options ] );
'data' => [ // Data to send, available for `Post`, `Put` and `Patch`
'foo' => 'bar'
'headers' => [ // Additional headers (optional)
'Authorization: foobar'
'ssl' => '/cacert.pem', // Use it for SSL (optional)
'is_payload' => true, // `true` for sending a payload (JSON-encoded data, optional)
'autoclose' => true // Is the request must be automatically closed (optional)
// Send a request
// HTTP status code
// HTTP header
// HTTP body response
// Used cURL options
// Set a cURL option
$request->setCurlOption(CURLOPT_SOMETHING, $value);
// Manually close the handle (necessary when `autoclose => false` is used)
// Namespace shortcut
use Owl\Method as Http;
// Standard GET request
$request = new Http\Get('http://domain.com');
// Send this request
echo $request->getResponse(); // body response
echo $request->getStatus(); // HTTP status code
// Namespace shortcut
use Owl\Method as Http;
// JSON-encoded POST request
$request = new Http\Post($this->endpoint, [
'data' => [
'name' => 'foo',
'email' => '[email protected]'
// With 'is_payload' => true
// You don't have to json_encode() your array of data
// Moreover, the appropriate headers will be set for you
'is_payload' => true
// Send this request
echo $request->getResponse(); // body response
echo $request->getStatus(); // HTTP status code
// Namespace shortcut
use Owl\Method as Http;
// Set `autoclose` option to `false`
$request = new Http\Get('http://domain.com', [
'autoclose' => false
// Send this request
// Now you can retrieve a cURL info as the handle is still open
echo $request->getResponse();
// Manually close the handle
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