PHP code example of p4 / excel-goalseek

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download p4/excel-goalseek library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


p4 / excel-goalseek example snippets

//Define function which for which the value should be found
$callbackTest = function callbackTest($input) {
    $inputForCallbackTest2 = $input * 8;
    return $inputForCallbackTest2 - 12;

//Instantiate goal seek class
$goalseek = new ExcelGoalSeek();
//$goalseek->debug = true;

//I want to know which input needs callbackTest to give me 301
$expected_result = 300;

//Calculate the input to get you goal, with accuracy
$input = $goalseek->calculate($callbackTest, $expected_result, 5);

echo "\$input: " . $input . "<br />";

//Let's test our input it is close
$actual_result = $callbackTest($input);
//Searched result of function
echo "Searched result of $callbackTest(\$input) = " . $expected_result . "<br />";
//Actual result of function with calculated goalseek
echo "Actual result of $callbackTest(" . $input . ") = " . $actual_result . "<br />";
//If difference is too high, you can improve the class and send me it your modifications ;)
echo "Difference = " . ($actual_result - $expected_result);