PHP code example of owly-digital / pdf-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download owly-digital/pdf-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


owly-digital / pdf-api-client example snippets

use Owly\PdfApiClient\PdfApiClient;

$client = new PdfApiClient('token');

$pdfFiles = [

$mergedPdfFile = $client->mergePdfFiles($pdfFiles);

file_put_contents('merged.pdf', $mergedPdfFile);

$pdfFiles = [

// Basic conversion with automatically detected quality and printable resolution
$convertedFiles = $client->convertPdfFiles($pdfFiles, 'jpg');

// With custom quality and resolution
$convertedFiles = $client->convertPdfFiles($pdfFiles, 'jpg', 50, 300);

// Conversion to webp with custom resolution (default quality)
$convertedFiles = $client->convertPdfFiles($pdfFiles, 'webp', null, 300);

foreach ($convertedFiles as $name => $file) {
	file_put_contents('/path/' . $name, base64_decode($file));

$html = "<html><body><h1>Look At Me, I'm PDF now!</h1></body></html>";

// $pdf can be directly forwarded for download
$pdf = $client->convertHtmlToPdf($html);

// or with custom filename
$pdf = $client->convertHtmlToPdf($html, 'awesomePdfFile.pdf');

// Show footer with page numbers
$options = [
	'displayHeaderFooter' => true,
	'headerTemplate' => '<div></div>',
	'footerTemplate' => '<div>Page: <span class="pageNumber"></span> / <span class="totalPages"></span></div>'
$pdf = $client->convertHtmlToPdf($html, null, $options);