PHP code example of overtrue / laravel-qcloud-captcha

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download overtrue/laravel-qcloud-captcha library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


overtrue / laravel-qcloud-captcha example snippets

    // 验证码服务
    'captcha' => [
        // 腾讯云 API 秘钥:SecretId,SecretKey
        'secret_id' => env('CAPTCHA_SECRET_ID'),
        'secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'),
        // 验证码服务秘钥:CaptchaAppId,AppSecretKey
        'app_id' => env('CAPTCHA_APP_ID'), 
        'app_secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_APP_SECRET_KEY'),
        // 以下非必填
        'channel' =>  'web', // 渠道:web/miniapp,默认 web
        'endpoint' => env('CAPTCHA_ENDPOINT'), // 默认:

    // 验证码服务
    'captcha' => [
        // 默认 app 名称
        'default' => 'login',
        // app 配置
        'apps' => [
            'login' => [
                'secret_id' => env('CAPTCHA_LOGIN_SECRET_ID'),
                'secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_LOGIN_SECRET_KEY'),
                'app_id' => env('CAPTCHA_LOGIN_APP_ID'), 
                'app_secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_LOGIN_APP_SECRET_KEY'),
            'register' => [
                'secret_id' => env('CAPTCHA_REGISTER_SECRET_ID'),
                'secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_REGISTER_SECRET_KEY'),
                'app_id' => env('CAPTCHA_REGISTER_APP_ID'), 
                'app_secret_key' => env('CAPTCHA_REGISTER_APP_SECRET_KEY'),

use Overtrue\LaravelQcloudCaptcha\Captcha;

array Captcha::validate(string $ticket, ?string $app = null, ?string $nonce = null);
array Captcha::validateWebTicket(string $ticket, ?string $app = null, ?string $nonce = null);
array Captcha::validateMiniAppTicket(string $ticket, ?string $app = null);

$this->validate($request, [
	'ticket' => 'ption' => '

// 请求内容
    'ticket' => 'xxxxxxxxx',
    'randstr' => 'xxxxxxxxx',

//1. 使用默认应用,并以请求中 `randstr` 作为随机字符串校验
'ticket' => '

// 请求内容
    'ticket' => 'xxxxxxxxx',

//1. 使用默认应用
'ticket' => '