PHP code example of overplex / yml-generator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download overplex/yml-generator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


overplex / yml-generator example snippets

use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\Offer\OfferParam;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\Offer\OfferSimple;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\Category;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\Currency;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\Delivery;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Model\ShopInfo;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Settings;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Generator;
use Bukashk0zzz\YmlGenerator\Cdata;

// Create second (unbuffered) connection to database (only for Yii 2)
$unbufferedDb = new \yii\db\Connection([
    'dsn' => \Yii::$app->db->dsn,
    'charset' => \Yii::$app->db->charset,
    'username' => \Yii::$app->db->username,
    'password' => \Yii::$app->db->password,
    'tablePrefix' => \Yii::$app->db->tablePrefix,
$unbufferedDb->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, false);

// Writing header to yml.xml
$yml = new Generator((new Settings())

// Writing ShopInfo (
$yml->addShopInfo((new ShopInfo())
    ->setCompany('Best online seller Inc.')

// Writing currencies (
$yml->addCurrency((new Currency())
$yml->addCurrency((new Currency())

// Writing categories (
/** @var CategoryModel $category */
foreach ($this->getCategoriesQuery()->each(50, $unbufferedDb) as $category) {
    $item = new Category();

    if ($category->parent) {


// Writing offers (
/** @var ProductModel $product */
foreach ($this->getProductsQuery()->each(50, $unbufferedDb) as $product) {

    $offer = new OfferSimple();
    $offer->setDimensions($product->depth, $product->width, $product->height);
    $offer->setDescription(new CData($this->formatDescription($product->text)));

    if (!empty($manufacturer)) {
        $offer->addCustomElement('manufacturer', $manufacturer);

    // Характеристики

    foreach ($product->properties as $value) {
        $offer->addParam((new OfferParam)->setName($value->property->name)->setValue($value->value));


// Optional writing deliveries (
$yml->addDelivery((new Delivery())


$yml = new Generator((new Settings())


$offer = new OfferSimple();

