PHP code example of otsec / yii2-sentry

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download otsec/yii2-sentry library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


otsec / yii2-sentry example snippets

return [
    'components' => [
        'sentry' => [
            'class' => 'otsec\yii2\sentry\Raven',
            'dsn' => 'https://****',

return [
    'bootstrap' => ['sentry'],

'components' => [
    'sentry' => [
	    // Register Raven_Client error and exception handler on init.
	    // Enabled by default
        'enableErrorHandler' => true,

        // Options will be passed to Raven_Client
        'options' => [],
        // Cathing JS errors is disabled by default.
        'enableClientScript' => false,
        // Options for client library.
        'clientOptions' => [],
        // DSN for client libary. 
        // Will be extracted from private DSN if empty.
        'publicDsn' => null,
        // Client library will be loaded from CDN by default.
        // You can use any other asset bundle if you want. 
        'assetBundle' => 'otsec\yii2\sentry\RavenCdnAsset',
        // Asset bundles for Bower and NPM already created but you have to 
        // install assets before you will use it.
        // 'assetBundle' => 'otsec\yii2\sentry\RavenBowerAsset',
        // 'assetBundle' => 'otsec\yii2\sentry\RavenNpmAsset',

try {
	throw new Exception('Oh, shit!');
} catch (Exception $e) {
	Yii::$app->sentry->captureException($e, ['extra' => 'data']);


$ravenClient = Yii::$app->sentry->getClient();