PHP code example of osi-open-source / lumen-saml2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download osi-open-source/lumen-saml2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


osi-open-source / lumen-saml2 example snippets



    'idpNames' => ['test', 'myidp1', 'myidp2'],

$metadata['http://lumen_url/myidp1/metadata'] = array(
    'AssertionConsumerService' => 'http://Lumen_url/myidp1/acs',
    'SingleLogoutService' => 'http://Lumen_url/myidp1/sls',
    //the following two affect what the $Saml2user->getUserId() will return
    'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent',
    'simplesaml.nameidattribute' => 'uid' 

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    if ($this->auth->guest())
        if ($request->ajax())
            return response('Unauthorized.', 401); // Or, return a response that causes client side js to redirect to '/routesPrefix/myIdp1/login'
            $saml2Auth = new Saml2Auth(Saml2Auth::loadOneLoginAuthFromIpdConfig('myIdp1'));
            return $saml2Auth->login(URL::full());

    return $next($request);

protected function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception)
    if ($request->expectsJson())
        return response()->json(['error' => 'Unauthenticated.'], 401); // Or, return a response that causes client side js to redirect to '/routesPrefix/myIdp1/login'

    $saml2Auth = new Saml2Auth(Saml2Auth::loadOneLoginAuthFromIpdConfig('myIdp1'));
    return $saml2Auth->login('/my/redirect/path');

use OsiOpenSource\Saml2\Http\Controllers\Saml2Controller;

class MySaml2Controller extends Saml2Controller
    public function login()
        $loginRedirect = '...'; // Determine redirect URL

 Event::listen('OsiOpenSource\Saml2\Events\Saml2LoginEvent', function (Saml2LoginEvent $event) {
            $messageId = $event->getSaml2Auth()->getLastMessageId();
            // Add your own code preventing reuse of a $messageId to stop replay attacks

            $user = $event->getSaml2User();
            $userData = [
                'id' => $user->getUserId(),
                'attributes' => $user->getAttributes(),
                'assertion' => $user->getRawSamlAssertion()
             $LumenUser = //find user by ID or attribute
             //if it does not exist create it and go on  or show an error message

        Event::listen('OsiOpenSource\Saml2\Events\Saml2LogoutEvent', function ($event) {