PHP code example of osenco / laravel-admin-latlong

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download osenco/laravel-admin-latlong library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


osenco / laravel-admin-latlong example snippets

    'extensions' => [

        'latlong' => [

            // Whether to enable this extension, defaults to true
            'enable' => true,

            // Specify the default provider
            'default' => 'google',

            // According to the selected provider above, fill in the corresponding api_key
            'providers' => [

                'google' => [
                    'api_key' => '',
                'yandex' => [
                    'api_key' => '',

                'baidu' => [
                    'api_key' => 'xck5u2lga9n1bZkiaXIHtMufWXQnVhdx',

                'tencent' => [
                    'api_key' => 'VVYBZ-HRJCX-NOJ4Z-ZO3PU-ZZA2J-QPBBT',

                'amap' => [
                    'api_key' => '3693fe745aea0df8852739dac08a22fb',

$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position');

// Set the map height
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->height(500);

// Set the map zoom
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->zoom(16);

// Set default position
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->default(['lat' => 90, 'lng' => 90]);

$show->field('Position')->latlong('lat_column', 'long_column', $height = 400, $zoom = 16);